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Establish whether "Apache Rat" is a suitable name

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    • Suitable Name Search
    • Status: Closed
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Rat
    • Rat
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      Searched for "Rat" projects at http://www.ohloh.net/
        * Apache Rat is listed first out of 109 hits
          * FatRat Library [OPC DA (Data Access) Server Toolkit]
          * PackRat [PackRat is a personal media collection manager for Android phones.]
          * n00bRAT [An undetectable Remote Administration Tool -OR- trojan, an all new approach]
          * Radar Tools(RAT) [RAT (Radar Tools) is a powerful open-source software tool for processing SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) remote sensing data.]
          * Rats SysLog Demon [Rats Syslog Demon.NT service which listens at port 514 for Syslog msgs. ]
          * RandomRat [RandomRat is a program for generating random sets that meet specific criteria]
          * ratpwf [Rat - similar to many, different from all]
          * RAT [RAT is a library for the construction of real time systems in both conventional VM\\\'s and embedded/real-time environments.]
          * Steel RATS [Steel Rats is a gui wrapper for the command line source code auditing tool RATS]
             (and more)

      Searched for "Rat" at http://sourceforge.net/ and found 62 results with some good matches including:
        * RAT - Remote Assistance Tool
        * Recurring Alarm Timer (RAT)
        * RAT - Refractor2 Archive Tool
        * Rat Mind Map
        * The Rat CMS
        * RAT Remote Applications Tiny Basic
        * Rat Rip
        * RAT
        * RAT://
        * Rats SysLog Demon

      Searched for "Rat" at https://github.com/ and found 90 repositories listed; some good matches include
       * elliottcable / rat (Ruby)
       * majek / rats (Ruby)
       * cenize / rat (Ruby)
       * DHS / rat (Ruby)
       * koops / rat (Ruby)
       * ojii / django-rat (Python)
       * ScottyB / RAT (Java)
      Search for "open source rat" at
       * www.google.com returned 6,350,000 results
         * open source projects where "Remote administration tool" is abbreviated to RAT turn up high in the rankings
         * Apache project is ranked 4
         * Other high ranked Rats include "Robust Audio Tool (RAT) ... an open-source audio conferencing and streaming application"
       * http://search.yahoo.com returned 39,400,000 results
         * Two Rat projects hosted at sourceforge are highly ranked
         * Other high ranked Rats include "Robust Audio Tool (RAT) ... an open-source audio conferencing and streaming application"
       * http://www.bing.com/ returned 38,800,000 results
        * Several open source projects named Rat were returned on the first of results
      Searched for "Rat" projects at http://www.ohloh.net/   * Apache Rat is listed first out of 109 hits     * FatRat Library [OPC DA (Data Access) Server Toolkit]     * PackRat [PackRat is a personal media collection manager for Android phones.]     * n00bRAT [An undetectable Remote Administration Tool -OR- trojan, an all new approach]     * Radar Tools(RAT) [RAT (Radar Tools) is a powerful open-source software tool for processing SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) remote sensing data.]     * Rats SysLog Demon [Rats Syslog Demon.NT service which listens at port 514 for Syslog msgs. ]     * RandomRat [RandomRat is a program for generating random sets that meet specific criteria]     * ratpwf [Rat - similar to many, different from all]     * RAT [RAT is a library for the construction of real time systems in both conventional VM\\\'s and embedded/real-time environments.]     * Steel RATS [Steel Rats is a gui wrapper for the command line source code auditing tool RATS]        (and more) Searched for "Rat" at http://sourceforge.net/ and found 62 results with some good matches including:   * RAT - Remote Assistance Tool   * Recurring Alarm Timer (RAT)   * RAT - Refractor2 Archive Tool   * Rat Mind Map   * The Rat CMS   * RAT Remote Applications Tiny Basic   * Rat Rip   * RAT   * RAT://   * Rats SysLog Demon Searched for "Rat" at https://github.com/ and found 90 repositories listed; some good matches include  * elliottcable / rat (Ruby)  * majek / rats (Ruby)  * cenize / rat (Ruby)  * DHS / rat (Ruby)  * koops / rat (Ruby)  * ojii / django-rat (Python)  * ScottyB / RAT (Java)    Search for "open source rat" at  * www.google.com returned 6,350,000 results    * open source projects where "Remote administration tool" is abbreviated to RAT turn up high in the rankings    * Apache project is ranked 4    * Other high ranked Rats include "Robust Audio Tool (RAT) ... an open-source audio conferencing and streaming application"  * http://search.yahoo.com returned 39,400,000 results    * Two Rat projects hosted at sourceforge are highly ranked    * Other high ranked Rats include "Robust Audio Tool (RAT) ... an open-source audio conferencing and streaming application"  * http://www.bing.com/ returned 38,800,000 results   * Several open source projects named Rat were returned on the first of results
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      Searched for "Rat" on TESS:
        * 1015 Records found
        * Some software related hits
         * "RATS" - Software for providing mobile situational awareness in connection with the collection, dissemination and use of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance data
         * "RATS" - Type fonts recorded on magnetic media.

      Searched for "Rat" on http://www.trademarkia.com/ and found many registrations including some computer related ones
       * Some older software registrations have been canceled due to section 8, have expired or were abandoned
       * Some active registrations related to software
         * RATS "Software for providing mobile situational awareness in connection with the collection, dissemination and use of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance data"
         * RATS "Type fonts recorded on magnetic media"

      Searched for "Rat" on TESS:   * 1015 Records found   * Some software related hits    * "RATS" - Software for providing mobile situational awareness in connection with the collection, dissemination and use of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance data    * "RATS" - Type fonts recorded on magnetic media. Searched for "Rat" on http://www.trademarkia.com/ and found many registrations including some computer related ones  * Some older software registrations have been canceled due to section 8, have expired or were abandoned  * Some active registrations related to software    * RATS "Software for providing mobile situational awareness in connection with the collection, dissemination and use of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance data"    * RATS "Type fonts recorded on magnetic media"
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      Searched for "rat" on
          * www.bing.com
                * In addition to rodents
                      * on first page RAT acronym for "Remote Access Technology International" is used in branding "The world leader in cost effective solutions to difficult access areas"
                      * on second page "Robust Audio Tool" open source software, also definitions of rat as "Remote Administration Tool"
                      * on third page "Rat Distortion" and "Rat Sound Systems" audit brands and Apache Rat
                      * on forth page "RAT Electronics" and Ratscooters
                      * on fifth page, RAT "Requirements Analysis Tool" open source software
          * www.google.com
                * As well as rodents
                     * RAT (Robust Audio Tool) open source software appeared on first page
                     * Black Rat Projects (artist), RAT (distortion pedals) appeared on page 2
                     * Fat Rat (online games) appeared on page 3
          * www.yahoo.com
               * First page of results returns rodents only
               * In addition to rodents
                     * On the second page RAT acronym for "Remote Access Technology International" is used in branding "The world leader in cost effective solutions to difficult access areas"; also Rat Distortion pedals
                     * On third page, a technical definition for computers of rat as "Remote Administration Trojan" is highlighted by computer.yourdictionary.com/rat;

      Searching for "rat software":
          * www.bing.com
               * Top result is "Remote Administration Tool" wikipedia article including '"RAT" software is usually associated with criminal or malicious activity'
               * On the first page
                     * Software names include RATS "Econometrics Software", RAT "Robust Audio Tool" and RATS "Rough Auditing Tool for Security"
                     * Software brands include Cornered Rat
                     * Also remote administration tools
               * On later pages
                     * Software brands include Black Rat, Wharf Rat, Red Rat, Steel Rat, ProRat, Rat Cat
                     * Software names include Rat "Robust Audio Tool", Rat - "a library for the construction of real time systems" RAT - "Remote Application Protocol" rat "medical"
                     * Remote administration tools and trojans
                     * Apache Rat appears on page 5
          * www.google.com
               * Top result is "Remote Administration Tool" wikipedia article including '"RAT" software is usually associated with criminal or malicious activity'
               * First page includes software brands (Black Rat, Cornered Rat and Red Red) and a medical software application named RAT
               * Also listed in the first 5 pages are software brands (Brass Rat, Packrat), specific remote administration tools, a gaming mouse, rapid assessment tools
          * www.yahoo.com
               * Top result is "Remote Administration Tool" wikipedia article including '"RAT" software is usually associated with criminal or malicious activity'
               * http://kereni.com/iria/rat_software.html on the first page of results uses the trademark symbol after Rat for an application for "collection and storage of racking audit data"
               * Also returned on the first page are reviews of remote administration tools
               * Later pages return
                     * software brands (Black Rat, Wharf Rat, Brass Rat, Cornered Rat, Rat Cow, Steel Rat, Rat Cat, Red Rat, Pro rat)
                     * software (Rat - "a library for the construction of real time systems"; "rat-stats" - "Statistical Software", RAT - "Remote Application Protocol")
      Searched for "rat" on     * www.bing.com           * In addition to rodents                 * on first page RAT acronym for "Remote Access Technology International" is used in branding "The world leader in cost effective solutions to difficult access areas"                 * on second page "Robust Audio Tool" open source software, also definitions of rat as "Remote Administration Tool"                 * on third page "Rat Distortion" and "Rat Sound Systems" audit brands and Apache Rat                 * on forth page "RAT Electronics" and Ratscooters                 * on fifth page, RAT "Requirements Analysis Tool" open source software     * www.google.com           * As well as rodents                * RAT (Robust Audio Tool) open source software appeared on first page                * Black Rat Projects (artist), RAT (distortion pedals) appeared on page 2                * Fat Rat (online games) appeared on page 3     * www.yahoo.com          * First page of results returns rodents only          * In addition to rodents                * On the second page RAT acronym for "Remote Access Technology International" is used in branding "The world leader in cost effective solutions to difficult access areas"; also Rat Distortion pedals                * On third page, a technical definition for computers of rat as "Remote Administration Trojan" is highlighted by computer.yourdictionary.com/rat; Searching for "rat software":     * www.bing.com          * Top result is "Remote Administration Tool" wikipedia article including '"RAT" software is usually associated with criminal or malicious activity'          * On the first page                * Software names include RATS "Econometrics Software", RAT "Robust Audio Tool" and RATS "Rough Auditing Tool for Security"                * Software brands include Cornered Rat                * Also remote administration tools          * On later pages                * Software brands include Black Rat, Wharf Rat, Red Rat, Steel Rat, ProRat, Rat Cat                * Software names include Rat "Robust Audio Tool", Rat - "a library for the construction of real time systems" RAT - "Remote Application Protocol" rat "medical"                * Remote administration tools and trojans                * Apache Rat appears on page 5     * www.google.com          * Top result is "Remote Administration Tool" wikipedia article including '"RAT" software is usually associated with criminal or malicious activity'          * First page includes software brands (Black Rat, Cornered Rat and Red Red) and a medical software application named RAT          * Also listed in the first 5 pages are software brands (Brass Rat, Packrat), specific remote administration tools, a gaming mouse, rapid assessment tools     * www.yahoo.com          * Top result is "Remote Administration Tool" wikipedia article including '"RAT" software is usually associated with criminal or malicious activity'          * http://kereni.com/iria/rat_software.html on the first page of results uses the trademark symbol after Rat for an application for "collection and storage of racking audit data"          * Also returned on the first page are reviews of remote administration tools          * Later pages return                * software brands (Black Rat, Wharf Rat, Brass Rat, Cornered Rat, Rat Cow, Steel Rat, Rat Cat, Red Rat, Pro rat)                * software (Rat - "a library for the construction of real time systems"; "rat-stats" - "Statistical Software", RAT - "Remote Application Protocol")


      The Rat podling brought together aRat and the Rat plugin tooling aRat for maven. It now is a suite of small products including rat, whisker, tentacles and eye which perform various functions to assist auditing, comprehending and verifying releases. This podling hopes to graduate as a top level project once a suitable top level project name is found.




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            robertburrelldonkin Robert Burrell Donkin
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