Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
1.8.16, 2.0.24
As reported by Ty Lewis in the users mailing list, see here
Unicode encodings for GID 8712: List(U+f967) Unicode encodings for GID 8712 from table (platformId = 0 encodingId = 3): List(U+4e0d, U+f967) Unicode encodings for GID 8712 from table (platformId = 0 encodingId = 4): List(U+f967)
I made some java code to reproduce this:
File fontFile = new File("NotoSansSC-Regular.otf"); OTFParser otfParser = new OTFParser(false); OpenTypeFont otf = otfParser.parse(fontFile); CmapLookup unicodeCmapLookup = otf.getUnicodeCmapLookup(); List<Integer> charCodes = unicodeCmapLookup.getCharCodes(8712); System.out.println(charCodes); CmapTable cmapTable = otf.getCmap(); CmapSubtable unicodeFullCmapTable = cmapTable.getSubtable(CmapTable.PLATFORM_UNICODE, CmapTable.ENCODING_UNICODE_2_0_FULL); CmapSubtable unicodeBmpCmapTable = cmapTable.getSubtable(CmapTable.PLATFORM_UNICODE, CmapTable.ENCODING_UNICODE_2_0_BMP); List<Integer> unicodeBmpCharCodes = unicodeBmpCmapTable.getCharCodes(8712); List<Integer> unicodeFullCharCodes = unicodeFullCmapTable.getCharCodes(8712); System.out.println(unicodeBmpCharCodes); System.out.println(unicodeFullCharCodes);
A look in the tables with DTL OTMaster 3.7 light shows there are indeed two entries. A search for them (in hex) shows the characters 不 and 不.