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  1. Open Relevance Project
  2. ORP-1

Use existing collections for relevance testing




      I created a list of existing collections with queries and judgements on the wiki here: http://cwiki.apache.org/ORP/existingcollections.html
      These can be downloaded from the internet.
      (please add more if you know)

      I've created source code (ant and java) to download these collections, and reformat them to the trec format that the lucene benchmark expects.
      each collection has its own ant script to download the collection, and java code to reformat, although I have some shared code at the top level.

      The resulting output for each collection is a "corpus.gz" file, a queries file, and a judgements file,
      The corpus.gz is a gzipped file that can be indexed with ant via the lucene benchmark package (using TrecContentSource)
      Once the index is created, the command-line tool QueryDriver under the lucene benchmark quality/trec package can be used to run the evaluation.
      It will print some summary output to stdout, but will also create a submission file that can be fed to trec_eval.

      For starters, I will only have support for one collection in the patch, the Indonesian "Tempo" collection (around 23,000 docs)
      We can simply add subdirectories for additional collections (it does a contrib-crawl like thing).

      Once I finish wrapping up some documentation (such as description of the formats, some javadocs, and an example), I'll upload the patch.
      These formats are actually documented in the lucene-java benchmark package already, but I think it would be nice to add this for non-java users.


        1. ORP-1.patch
          46 kB
          Robert Muir



            simonw Simon Willnauer
            rcmuir Robert Muir
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