If we create any Promo condition by selecting any Shipping Method.
Now for all the conditions, we create after this, automatically includes the previously selected Shipping Method.
Basically, it's a UI issue, the Promo Condition created in the database are correct.
In EditProductPromoRules.ftl, we assign 'carrierShippingMethod' and 'carrierParty' in iteration with the Promotion condition 'productPromoConds'
<#list productPromoConds as productPromoCond> ... <#assign carrierShippingMethod = productPromoCond.otherValue!> ...
Before assigning the 'carrierShippingMethod' and 'carrierParty' from Promo Condition, reset the previously set value.
for e.g.
<#assign carrierShippingMethod = ""/> <#if otherValue?has_content && otherValue.contains("@")> <#assign carrierShippingMethod = productPromoCond.otherValue!> </#if>