When you edit on order item, the details are reloaded into a shopping cart and after editing the order is updated from the cart. At present the supplierProductId for the order item is not read into the cart.
Try this in the demo site:
Product GZ-1000 has several suppliers, including BigSupplier
Order-Order Entry
In Purchase Order, choose BigSupplier, click Continue
In "Enter Order, Agreements and Ship Dates", click Continue
In Create Purchase Order, enter Product ID of GZ-1000 and Quantity of 500
Click Finalize Order
Click Continue several times to reach Purchase Order: Order Confirmation
Click Create Order
Note Purchase Order number. When I did this, it was 10000
Applications - Web Tools
Click Entity Data Maintenance
In Filter by Entity Name, choose OrderItem, click Apply
Click OrderItem in the Entity Name column
Enter Purchase Order number, e.g. 10000
Scroll down and click Search
Observe that the OrderItem has a SupplierProductId of BKGZ_1000 as you'd expect
Applications - Order - Find Order
Enter Order ID (e.g. 10000) and click Find
In Actions, click Edit Items
Change Unit Price from 3.75 to 4.00, check checkbox next to Unit Price, and click Update Selected Items
Return to Entity Data Maintenance in the Web Tools, and find the OrderItem for the purchase order again
You'll see that the SupplierProductId has been lost