The RepMembersConflictHandler handler uses type STRING instead of WEAKREFERENCE [0] as per the property's definition, which will trigger the type validation to fail the commit.
Running external login tests I see that the type fails as soon as the handler comes into play:
WARN o.a.j.o.s.s.a.e.i.ExternalLoginModule - User synchronization failed during commit: org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.api.CommitFailedException: OakConstraint0004: /rep:security/rep:authorizables/rep:groups/pathPrefix/g8/rep:membersList/9[[rep:MemberReferences]]: No matching property definition found for rep:members = [8e490910-17b6-30c1-8e11-6abdfa8a4ebc, 1a8e79f5-428e-39e9-88bb-2b86bd9b402e, ... ]. (attempt 10/50)
This seems to be a pretty big issue, and I'm not yet sure why it wasn't caught by the existing tests.
// fyi anchela
Issue Links
- relates to
OAK-3374 Concurrent Updates of Group's Membership Results in Conflict
- Closed