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  1. Archiva (Retired)
  2. MRM-543

Versions (latest and release) wrong after regeneration of maven-metadata.xml



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Critical
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.0-beta-2
    • 1.0-beta-3
    • repository scanning
    • None
    • Debian GNU/Linux, Apache Tomcat 6.0.14, Archiva 1.0-beta-2, SUN JVM 1.5.0_12



      I've setup an Archiva server (1.0-beta-2) on a Debian Linux machine (Tomcat 6.0.14, Sun JVM 1.5.0_12). I have a managed local repository ("internal-central") which is connected via a proxy connector to the central repository. I have another managed local repository ("release") for my own development and deployment. I've created a Maven2 plugin (to deal with our CA Harvest SCM system) which I deploy to the "release" repository. The generated maven-metadata.xml file looks as follows:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><metadata>

      When I then use a client to retrieve the pluging (by calling the 'mvn harvest:update' mojo), I get the following error:
      "The plugin 'org.test.maven.plugins:maven-harvest-plugin' does not exist or no valid version could be found"

      When I look at the 'maven-metadata.xml' file in the repository it contains this:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


      For some reason, Archiva has regenerated the 'maven-metadata.xml ' file, removing the 'latest','release' and 'lastUpdated' version information. This, as far as I know, results in the 'no valid version could be found' error.

      I've seen this behaviour also on the proxied repository ("internal-central"). For example when proxying spring jars, I notice that the 'latest' and 'release' version information, which is present in the metadata files at ' repo1.maven.org', are not present in the local central repository.

      The regeneration seems to happen even when the 'metadata-updater' consumer is switched off (it doesn't update the metadata when scanning the repository when it is switched off, but the metadata is regenerated when a client tries to download the plugin).

      The workaround for my problem is to specify the exact version of the plugin to be used in my pom.xml, which is something I don't want because the plugin is under heavy development. I also don't seem to understand why Archiva should even regenerate the 'maven-metadata.xml' files.




            joakime Joakim Erdfelt
            mccloud Duncan Doyle
            0 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue

