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  1. Mesos
  2. MESOS-6345

ExamplesTest.PersistentVolumeFramework failing due to double free corruption on Ubuntu 14.04




      PersistentVolumeFramework tests if failing on Ubuntu 14

      [Step 10/10] *** Error in `/mnt/teamcity/work/4240ba9ddd0997c3/build/src/.libs/lt-persistent-volume-framework': double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x00007f1ae0006a20 ***
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] *** Aborted at 1475902608 (unix time) try "date -d @1475902608" if you are using GNU date ***
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.592744 25425 state.cpp:57] Recovering state from '/mnt/teamcity/temp/buildTmp/mesos-8KiPML/2/meta'
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.592808 25423 state.cpp:57] Recovering state from '/mnt/teamcity/temp/buildTmp/mesos-8KiPML/1/meta'
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.592952 25425 status_update_manager.cpp:203] Recovering status update manager
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.592957 25423 status_update_manager.cpp:203] Recovering status update manager
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.593010 25424 containerizer.cpp:557] Recovering containerizer
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.593143 25396 sched.cpp:226] Version: 1.1.0
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.593158 25425 master.cpp:2013] Elected as the leading master!
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.593173 25425 master.cpp:1560] Recovering from registrar
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.593211 25424 registrar.cpp:329] Recovering registrar
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.593250 25425 sched.cpp:330] New master detected at master@
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.593282 25425 sched.cpp:341] No credentials provided. Attempting to register without authentication
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.593293 25425 sched.cpp:820] Sending SUBSCRIBE call to master@
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] PC: @     0x7f1b0bbaccc9 (unknown)
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.593339 25425 sched.cpp:853] Will retry registration in 32.354951ms if necessary
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.593364 25421 master.cpp:1387] Dropping 'mesos.scheduler.Call' message since not recovered yet
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.593413 25428 provisioner.cpp:253] Provisioner recovery complete
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] *** SIGABRT (@0x6334) received by PID 25396 (TID 0x7f1b02ed6700) from PID 25396; stack trace: ***
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.593520 25421 containerizer.cpp:557] Recovering containerizer
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.593529 25425 slave.cpp:5276] Finished recovery
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.593627 25422 leveldb.cpp:304] Persisting metadata (8 bytes) to leveldb took 4.546422ms
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.593695 25428 provisioner.cpp:253] Provisioner recovery complete
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.593701 25422 replica.cpp:320] Persisted replica status to VOTING
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.593760 25424 slave.cpp:5276] Finished recovery
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.593864 25427 recover.cpp:582] Successfully joined the Paxos group
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.593896 25425 slave.cpp:5448] Querying resource estimator for oversubscribable resources
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.593922 25427 recover.cpp:466] Recover process terminated
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.593976 25427 slave.cpp:5462] Received oversubscribable resources {} from the resource estimator
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.594002 25424 slave.cpp:5448] Querying resource estimator for oversubscribable resources
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.594017 25422 log.cpp:553] Attempting to start the writer
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.594030 25428 status_update_manager.cpp:177] Pausing sending status updates
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.594032 25427 slave.cpp:915] New master detected at master@
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.594055 25423 slave.cpp:915] New master detected at master@
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.594048 25428 status_update_manager.cpp:177] Pausing sending status updates
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.594061 25427 slave.cpp:936] No credentials provided. Attempting to register without authentication
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.594106 25427 slave.cpp:947] Detecting new master
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.594071 25423 slave.cpp:936] No credentials provided. Attempting to register without authentication
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10]     @     0x7f1b0bf4b340 (unknown)
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.594125 25423 slave.cpp:947] Detecting new master
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.594194 25423 slave.cpp:5462] Received oversubscribable resources {} from the resource estimator
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.594378 25422 replica.cpp:493] Replica received implicit promise request from __req_res__(3)@ with proposal 1
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10]     @     0x7f1b0bbaccc9 (unknown)
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10]     @     0x7f1b0bbb00d8 (unknown)
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10]     @     0x7f1b0bbe9394 (unknown)
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.595368 25422 leveldb.cpp:304] Persisting metadata (8 bytes) to leveldb took 972334ns
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.595381 25422 replica.cpp:342] Persisted promised to 1
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10]     @     0x7f1b0bbf566e (unknown)
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10]     @     0x7f1b0d930925 _ZNSt14_Function_base13_Base_managerIZN7process5deferIN5mesos8internal5slave5SlaveEiiSt12_PlaceholderILi1EES7_ILi2EEEENS1_9_DeferredIDTcl4bindadsrSt8functionIFvT0_T1_EEclcvSF__Efp1_fp2_EEEERKNS1_3PIDIT_EEMSJ_FvSC_SD_ET2_T3_EUliiE_E10_M_managerERSt9_Any_dataRKST_St18_Manager_operation
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.597909 25421 coordinator.cpp:238] Coordinator attempting to fill missing positions
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.598273 25423 replica.cpp:388] Replica received explicit promise request from __req_res__(4)@ for position 0 with proposal 2
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10]     @     0x7f1b0d935b0b std::_Function_base::_Base_manager<>::_M_manager()
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10]     @     0x7f1b0d8f2516 os::internal::configureSignal()
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.599318 25423 leveldb.cpp:341] Persisting action (8 bytes) to leveldb took 1.024957ms
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.599333 25423 replica.cpp:708] Persisted action NOP at position 0
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.599630 25428 replica.cpp:537] Replica received write request for position 0 from __req_res__(5)@
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10] I1008 04:56:48.599660 25428 leveldb.cpp:436] Reading position from leveldb took 16893ns
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10]     @     0x7f1b0d904022 mesos::internal::slave::Slave::initialize()
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10]     @     0x7f1b0e0c6ed1 process::ProcessManager::resume()
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10]     @     0x7f1b0e0c7187 _ZNSt6thread5_ImplISt12_Bind_simpleIFZN7process14ProcessManager12init_threadsEvEUt_vEEE6_M_runEv
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10]     @     0x7f1b0c726a60 (unknown)
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10]     @     0x7f1b0bf43182 start_thread
      [04:56:48]W:	 [Step 10/10]     @     0x7f1b0bc7047d (unknown)

      This is seen specifically in Ubuntu 14.04


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