I see the following around line 194:
return 0.5 * (1 + Erf.erf(dev / (standardDeviation * SQRT2)));
When erf() returns a very small value, this cancels in the addition with the "1.0" which leads to poor precision in the results.
I would suggest changing this line to read more like:
return 0.5 * Erf.erfc( -dev / standardDeviation * SQRT2 );
Should you want some test cases for "extreme values" (one might argue that within 10 standard deviations isn't all that extreme) then you can check the following: then look in the at replication-01-distribution-standard-normal.xls
I think you will also find that evaluation of expressions such as
NormalDistribution( 0, 1 ).cumulativeProbability( -10.0 );
are pretty far off.