Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
gridmix system-tests
Girdmix system tests should require different job traces with different time intervals for generate and submit the gridmix jobs. So, implement a functionaliy for getting the job traces and arrange them in hash table with time interval as key.Also getting the list of traces from resource location irrespective of time. The following methods needs to implement.
Method signature:
public static Map <String, String> getMRTraces(Configuration conf) throws IOException; - it get the traces with time intervals from resources default location.
public static Map <String, String> getMRTraces(Configuration conf,Path path) throws IOException; - it get the traces with time intervals from user specified resource location.
public static List<String> listMRTraces(Configuration conf) throws IOException -it list all the traces from resource default location irrespective of time interval.
public static List<String> listMRTraces(Configuration conf, Path tracesPath) throws IOException - it list all the traces from user specified user location irrespective of time interval.
public static List<String> listMRTracesByTime(Configuration conf, String timeInterval) throws IOException - it list all traces of a given time interval from default resource location.
public static List<String> listMRTracesByTime(Configuration conf, String timeInterval,Path path) throws IOException - it list all traces of a given time interval from a given resources location.
Issue Links
- depends upon
MAPREDUCE-2095 Gridmix unable to run for compressed traces(.gz format).
- Closed
- is part of
MAPREDUCE-2517 Porting Gridmix v3 system tests into trunk branch.
- Closed