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  1. Lucene - Core
  2. LUCENE-9981

CompiledAutomaton.getCommonSuffix can be extraordinarily slow, even with default maxDeterminizedStates limit


    • Task
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 9.0, 8.10
    • None
    • None
    • New


      We have a maxDeterminizedStates = 10000 limit designed to keep regexp-type queries from blowing up.

      But we have an adversary that will run for 268s on my laptop before hitting exception, first reported here: https://github.com/opensearch-project/OpenSearch/issues/687

      When I run the test and jstack the threads, this what I see:

      "TEST-TestOpensearch687.testInteresting-seed#[4B9C20A027A9850C]" #15 prio=5 os_prio=0 cpu=56960.04ms elapsed=57.49s tid=0x00007fff7006ca80 nid=0x231c8 runnable  [0x00007fff8b7f0000]
         java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
      	at org.apache.lucene.util.automaton.SortedIntSet.decr(SortedIntSet.java:106)
      	at org.apache.lucene.util.automaton.Operations.determinize(Operations.java:769)
      	at org.apache.lucene.util.automaton.Operations.getCommonSuffixBytesRef(Operations.java:1155)
      	at org.apache.lucene.util.automaton.CompiledAutomaton.<init>(CompiledAutomaton.java:247)
      	at org.apache.lucene.search.AutomatonQuery.<init>(AutomatonQuery.java:104)
      	at org.apache.lucene.search.AutomatonQuery.<init>(AutomatonQuery.java:82)
      	at org.apache.lucene.search.RegexpQuery.<init>(RegexpQuery.java:138)
      	at org.apache.lucene.search.RegexpQuery.<init>(RegexpQuery.java:114)
      	at org.apache.lucene.search.RegexpQuery.<init>(RegexpQuery.java:72)
      	at org.apache.lucene.search.RegexpQuery.<init>(RegexpQuery.java:62)
      	at org.apache.lucene.TestOpensearch687.testInteresting(TestOpensearch687.java:42)

      This is really sad, as getCommonSuffixBytesRef() is only supposed to be an "up-front" optimization to make the actual subsequent terms-intensive part of the query faster. But it makes the whole query run for nearly 5 minutes before it does anything.

      So I definitely think we should improve getCommonSuffixBytesRef to be more "best-effort". For example, it can reduce the lower bound to 1000 and catch the exception like such:

      try {
         // this is slow, and just an opto anyway, so don't burn cycles on it for some crazy worst-case.
         // if we don't set this common suffix, the query will just run a bit slower, that's all.
         int limit = Math.min(1000, maxDeterminizedStates);
         BytesRef suffix = Operations.getCommonSuffixBytesRef(binary, limit);
         ... (setting commonSuffixRef)
      } catch (TooComplexTooDeterminizeException notWorthIt) {
        commonSuffixRef = null;

      Another, maybe simpler option, is to just check that input state/transitions accounts don't exceed some low limit N.

      Basically this opto is geared at stuff like leading wildcard query of "*foo". By computing that the common suffix is "foo" we can spend less CPU in the terms dictionary because we can first do a memcmp before having to run data thru any finite state machine. It's really a microopt and we shouldn't be spending whole seconds of cpu on it, ever.

      But I still don't quite understand how the current limits are giving the behavior today, maybe there is a bigger issue and I don't want to shove something under the rug.


        1. LUCENE-9981_test.patch
          1 kB
          Robert Muir
        2. three-repeats.png
          836 kB
          Michael McCandless
        3. three-repeats-reverse-det.png
          163 kB
          Michael McCandless
        4. LUCENE-9981.patch
          3 kB
          Michael McCandless
        5. LUCENE-9981_nfaprefix.patch
          8 kB
          Robert Muir
        6. LUCENE-9981.patch
          115 kB
          Michael McCandless
        7. LUCENE-9981.patch
          122 kB
          Robert Muir
        8. LUCENE-9981.patch
          122 kB
          Michael McCandless
        9. LUCENE-9981.patch
          123 kB
          Michael McCandless



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            rcmuir Robert Muir
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