Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Now the classifiers can return only the "best matching" classes. If somebody want it to use more complex tasks he need to modify these classes for get second and third results too. If it is possible to return a list and it is not a lot resource why we dont do that? (We iterate a list so also.)
The Bayes classifier get too small return values, and there were a bug with the zero floats. It was fixed with logarithmic. It would be nice to scale the class scores sum vlue to one, and then we coud compare two documents return score and relevance. (If we dont do this the wordcount in the test documents affected the result score.)
With bulletpoints:
- In the Bayes classification normalized score values, and return with result lists.
- In the KNN classifier possibility to return a result list.
- Make the ClassificationResult Comparable for list sorting.