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  1. Lucene - Core
  2. LUCENE-395

CoordConstrainedBooleanQuery + QueryParser support


    • Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • None
    • core/search
    • None
    • Operating System: other
      Platform: Other

    • 35284


      Attached 2 new classes:

      1) CoordConstrainedBooleanQuery
      A boolean query that only matches if a specified number of the contained clauses
      match. An example use might be a query that returns a list of books where ANY 2
      people from a list of people were co-authors, eg:
      "Lucene In Action" would match ("Erik Hatcher" "Otis Gospodnetić" "Mark Harwood"
      "Doug Cutting") with a minRequiredOverlap of 2 because Otis and Erik wrote that.
      The book "Java Development with Ant" would not match because only 1 element in
      the list (Erik) was selected.

      2) CustomQueryParserExample
      A customised QueryParser that allows definition of
      CoordConstrainedBooleanQueries. The solution (mis)uses fieldnames to pass
      parameters to the custom query.


        1. BooleanQuery.patch
          3 kB
          Yonik Seeley
        2. TestBoolean2Patch5.txt
          1 kB
          Paul Elschot
        3. BooleanQuery.patch
          3 kB
          Yonik Seeley
        4. TestBooleanMinShouldMatch.java
          14 kB
          Yonik Seeley
        5. TestBooleanMinShouldMatch.java
          11 kB
          Chris M. Hostetter
        6. BooleanScorer2.java
          13 kB
          Paul Elschot
        7. TestBooleanMinShouldMatch.java
          11 kB
          Paul Elschot
        8. LUCENE-395.patch
          6 kB
          Chris M. Hostetter
        9. TestBooleanMinShouldMatch.java
          13 kB
          Chris M. Hostetter
        10. LUCENE-395.patch
          5 kB
          Chris M. Hostetter
        11. TestBooleanMinShouldMatch.java
          10 kB
          Chris M. Hostetter
        12. TestBooleanMinShouldMatch.java
          6 kB
          Chris M. Hostetter
        13. LUCENE-395.patch
          5 kB
          Chris M. Hostetter
        14. ASF.LICENSE.NOT.GRANTED--CustomQueryParserExample.java
          4 kB
          Mark Harwood
        15. ASF.LICENSE.NOT.GRANTED--CoordConstrainedBooleanQuery.java
          5 kB
          Mark Harwood
        16. ASF.LICENSE.NOT.GRANTED--CustomQueryParserExample.java
          3 kB
          Mark Harwood
        17. ASF.LICENSE.NOT.GRANTED--CoordConstrainedBooleanQuery.java
          2 kB
          Mark Harwood

        Issue Links



              yseeley@gmail.com Yonik Seeley
              markharw00d@yahoo.co.uk Mark Harwood
              2 Vote for this issue
              0 Start watching this issue

