Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
4.0-ALPHA, CSF branch
Its time to move another feature from branch to trunk. I want to start this process now while still a couple of issues remain on the branch. Currently I am down to a single nocommit (javadocs on and a couple of testing TODOs (explicit multithreaded tests and unoptimized with deletions) but I think those are not worth separate issues so we can resolve them as we go.
The already created issues (LUCENE-3075 and LUCENE-3074) should not block this process here IMO, we can fix them once we are on trunk.
Here is a quick feature overview of what has been implemented:
- DocValues implementations for Ints (based on PackedInts), Float 32 / 64, Bytes (fixed / variable size each in sorted, straight and deref variations)
- Integration into Flex-API, Codec provides a PerDocConsumer->DocValuesConsumer (write) / PerDocValues->DocValues (read)
- By-Default enabled in all codecs except of PreFlex
- Follows other flex-API patterns like non-segment reader throw UOE forcing MultiPerDocValues if on DirReader etc.
- Integration into IndexWriter, FieldInfos etc.
- Random-testing enabled via RandomIW - injecting random DocValues into documents
- Basic checks in CheckIndex (which runs after each test)
- FieldComparator for int and float variants (Sorting, currently directly integrated into SortField, this might go into a separate DocValuesSortField eventually)
- Extended TestSort for DocValues
- RAM-Resident random access API plus on-disk DocValuesEnum (currently only sequential access) -> /
- Extensible Cache implementation for RAM-Resident DocValues (by-default loaded into RAM only once and freed once IR is closed) ->
PS: Currently the RAM resident API is named Source ( which seems too generic. I think we should rename it into RamDocValues or something like that, suggestion welcome!
Any comments, questions (rants ) are very much appreciated.