We are getting an exception while optimize. We are getting this exception "mergeFields produced an invalid result: docCount is 385282378 but fdx file size is 3082259028; now aborting this merge to prevent index corruption"
I have checked the code for class and found this check
if (4+docCount*8 != fdxFileLength)
// This is most likely a bug in Sun JRE 1.6.0_04/_05;
// we detect that the bug has struck, here, and
// throw an exception to prevent the corruption from
// entering the index. See LUCENE-1282 for
// details.
throw new RuntimeException("mergeFields produced an invalid result: docCount is " + docCount + " but fdx file size is " + fdxFileLength + "; now aborting this merge to prevent index corruption");
In our case docCount is 385282378 and fdxFileLength size is 3082259028, even though 4+385282378*8 is equal to 3082259028, the above code will not work because number 3082259028 is out of int range. So type of variable docCount needs to be changed to long
I have written a small test for this
public class SegmentMergerTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int docCount = 385282378;
long fdxFileLength = 3082259028L;
if(4+docCount*8 != fdxFileLength)
System.out.println("No Match" + (4+docCount*8));
System.out.println("Match" + (4+docCount*8));
Above test will print No Match but if you change the data type of docCount to long, it will print Match
Can you please advise us if this issue will be fixed in next release?
Issue Links
- relates to
LUCENE-1521 "fdx size mismatch" exception in StoredFieldsWriter.closeDocStore() when closing index with 500M documents
- Resolved