Status: Closed
Resolution: Later
A list of all JIRA issues in component "Index" that haven't been updated in 2007:
LUCENE-737Provision of encryption/decryption services API to support Field.Store.EncryptedLUCENE-705CompoundFileWriter should pre-set its file lengthLUCENE-685Extract interface from IndexWriterLUCENE-671Hashtable based DocumentLUCENE-652Compressed fields should be "externalized" (from Fields into Document)LUCENE-639[PATCH] Slight performance improvement for readVInt() of IndexInputLUCENE-606Change behavior of ParallelReader.document(int)- LUCENE-602 [PATCH] Filtering tokens for position and term vector storage
LUCENE-600ParallelWriter companion to ParallelReaderLUCENE-570Expose directory on IndexReaderLUCENE-552NPE during mergeSegmentsLUCENE-532[PATCH] Indexing on Hadoop distributed file systemLUCENE-518document field lengths count analyzer synonym overlaysLUCENE-517norm compression breaks ranking for small doesn't maintain prevBuffer at endLUCENE-506Optimize Memory Use for Short-Lived Indexes (Do not load TermInfoIndex if you know the queries ahead of time)LUCENE-505MultiReader.norm() takes up too much memory: norms byte[] should be made into an ObjectLUCENE-402addition of a previous() method to TermEnumLUCENE-401[PATCH] fixes for gcj target.LUCENE-382[PATCH] Document update contrib (Play with term postings or .. to a easy way to update)LUCENE-362[PATCH] Extension to binary Fields that allows fixed byte bufferLUCENE-336[PATCH] Add ability to specify the segment name when optimizing an indexLUCENE-325[PATCH] new method expungeDeleted() added to IndexWriterLUCENE-211[Patch] replace DocumentWriter with InvertedDocument for performanceLUCENE-112[PATCH] Add an IndexReader implementation that frees resources when idle and refreshes itself when stale