Carter Kozak suggested I created an issue for this on the mailing list. While migrating from Log4J 1.x to Log4J2 I accidently left a stray Log4J 1.x JAR in my application artifact (and thus on the classpath). This lead to some strange behavior: the logging to the root appender worked, but the other loggers I defined where ignored (that is, the files were created but they remained empty).
It was never clear there was a classpath issue, even the Log4J2 trace logging gave no further information.
So this is a request to improve the validation and messaging on this issue.
Carter suggested the following as a starting point:
I've written similar validation for slf4j bindings elsewhere that we may be able to leverage (though the general case has many edge cases that I haven't thought through yet):
/** * Validate that there is only one slf4j binding present. If there are multiple distinct bindings logging will * disappear into the void depending on classpath order. */ private static void validateSlf4jBindings() { try { List<URL> slf4jBindings = Collections.list( getClassLoader().getResources("org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class")); if (slf4jBindings.size() > 1) { String message = "Detected multiple Slf4j bindings: " + slf4jBindings; // Write to standard streams, if the exception is caught and logged, it may not be recorded. System.err.println(message); throw new IllegalStateException(message); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to discover slf4j bindings", e); } }