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  1. Log4j 2
  2. LOG4J2-1045

Externalize log4j2.xml via URL resource



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 2.3
    • 2.4
    • Configurators
    • WebSphere 8.0; Win7 x64

    • Important


      We're working with WebSphere 8.0 and our operations team has demanded to externalize the log4j2.xml file per application.
      So I defined a URL resource on WAS8 containing the path to the log4j2.xml somewhere on the filesystem.

      At first glance the solution seems very simple:
      I defined the property log4j.configurationFactory in the log4j2.component.properties file log4j.configurationFactory=de.company.MyConfigurationFactory available via classpath of the application.
      In this class I specialized the method public Configuration getConfiguration(String name, URI configLocation, ClassLoader loader). There I make a lookup to the URL resource.

      But it does'nt function as of a missing implementation in the class ConfigurationFactory$Factory and the method public Configuration getConfiguration(final String name, final URI configLocation). When one enters the method the variable configLocation is null. Then the property log4j.configurationFile is checked which is intentionally not set in the log4j2.component.properties file as it must be dynamical - via a URL resource.
      Hence also the variable config is null. Unfortunately merely config != null is handled and no else case is implemented.

      So my improvement is to implement an else case which is identical to the else case of if (configLocation == null).
      With this solution I do not have to implement cumbersome versions for Web- and EJB-applications.




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            gecko21 Günter Albrecht
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