We are using the Aries JNDI service for providing database-datasources via JNDI.
The datasource definition is a blueprint-XML file like this one and is located in our Maven repository.
I try to install the datasource definition like:
bundle:install -s blueprint:mvn:my.product.database/my.product.database.layer//xml/datasource-hsqldb
or via Kara feature:
feature:install datasource-hsqldb
[...] <feature name="datasource-hsqldb" version="${project.version}" resolver="(obr)"> <feature>hsqldb</feature> <bundle >blueprint:mvn:my.product.database/my.product.database.layer/${project.version}/xml/datasource-hsqldb</bundle> </feature> [...]
The bundle will be installed but the blueprint service was not created.
The blueprint deployer creates a bundle-JAR file and including a new ZipEntry as blueprint service descriptor into OSGi/blueprint/.
[...] String name = url.getPath(); int idx = name.lastIndexOf('/'); if (idx >= 0) { name = name.substring(idx + 1); } [...] e = new ZipEntry("OSGI-INF/blueprint/" + name); out.putNextEntry(e); // Copy the new DOM if (tf == null) { tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); } tf.newTransformer().transform(new DOMSource(doc), new StreamResult(out)); out.closeEntry(); [...]
Based on the mvn: URL the name of the blueprint descriptor file is datasource-hsqldb (w/o the .xml extension).
The blueprint service needs the .xml file extension.
addEntries(bundle, name, "*.xml", pathList);