In Kafka 2.7 the following method was added to AdminClient that provides this information:
public ListOffsetsResult listOffsets(Map<TopicPartition,OffsetSpec> topicPartitionOffsets, ListOffsetsOptions options) |
where OffsetSpec can be:
- OffsetSpec.EarliestSpec
- OffsetSpec.LatestSpec
- OffsetSpec.TimestampSpec
This ticket introduces a new spec:
OffsetSpec.MaxTimestampSpec // this returns the offset and timestamp for the record with the highest timestamp. |
This indicates to the AdminClient that we want to fetch the timestamp and offset for the record with the largest timestamp produced to a partition.
Issue Links
- is related to
KAFKA-13002 listOffsets must downgrade immediately for non MAX_TIMESTAMP specs
- Resolved
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There are no Sub-Tasks for this issue.