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  1. jUDDI (Retired)
  2. JUDDI-727

Publish validation does not validate node ownership



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Blocker
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 3.1.5
    • 3.2
    • None
    • None


      The data custody validation rules don't appear to be implemented. This really only applies if the replication api is implemented and the following scenario happens

      Node A, has service A (owner)
      Node B, has service A (owned by Node A)

      If a user alters service A via Node B, an error should be thrown (I think).

      Generally speaking, data is replicated between nodes of a UDDI registry using a replication protocol. Registries that choose to use the replication protocol defined in Section 7.4 Replication API Set MUST enforce the following data custody policy. (Registries which choose otherwise incur no such requirement.)

      Each node has custody of a portion of the aggregate data managed by the registry of which it is a part. Each datum is by definition in the custody of exactly one such node. A datum in this context can be a businessEntity, a businessService, a bindingTemplate, a tModel, or a publisherAssertion. Changes to a datum in the registry MUST originate at the node which is the custodian of the datum. The registry defines the policy for data custody and, if allowed, the custodian node for a given datum can be changed; such custody transfer processes are discussed in Section 5.4 Custody and Ownership Transfer API.


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              spyhunter99 Alex O'Ree
              spyhunter99 Alex O'Ree
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