

    • New Feature
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 2.2.2
    • 2.2.2
    • Portlet Registry
    • None


      Instances allow site editors to quickly create new portlet variants based on modified preference and other descriptor settings.
      Use case: a customized IFrame portlet with all preferences and localized metadata pre-configured.

      • create portlet instances from a portlet (API)
      • wizard to create an instance from a portlet, overriding preferences
      • Integrate with search, toolbox
      • protect instances from deletion on deployment

      Further requirements from Ron Wheeler:

      • Portlet can be be created based on an existing portlet definition/template.
        -Portlet definitions include:
        • Name (not in template)
        • Title - could have a flag indicating if the title should be displayed in the title bar or not. (not in template)
        • Description (would be a general description in the template which would be the default for a new instance)
        • Class
        • Link to Documentation
        • icon for portlet catalog
        • collection of labels and values for the parameters.

      To create a new portlet from an existing template, the system admin would supply a new Name, Title, Description.
      The Class would be the key to finding the template and should be picked off a drop-down list.
      The template specifies the parameters that can be passed to the Class.

      Each parameter should have a flag that indicates whether the parameter is mandatory or optional.

      It would be nice to be able to specify a default value and a description of each parameter to help the system administrator understand what each parameter is( or could actually have documentation if anyone would read it).

      Once all this information is specified, the portlet would be available for inclusion in a page.




            taylor David Sean Taylor
            taylor David Sean Taylor
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