Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
2.2.2, 2.2.4
Linux Ubuntu, JBOSS AS 6 Final
When I try to deploy Jackrabbit-JCA on JBOSS AS 6 it fails with a strange error:
18:30:10,029 WARN [ClassLoaderManager] Unexpected error during load of:org.apache.commons.collections.DoubleOrderedMap$2$1: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: class org.apache.commons.collections.DoubleOrderedMap$2$1 cannot access its superclass org.apache.commons.collections.DoubleOrderedMap$DoubleOrderedMapIterator
This problem is probably related do class loading on JBOSS AS 6. JBOSS AS 6 has a commons-collections version 3.2 on app libs.
So, it is prefered instead of commons-collections version 3.1 existing inside the jackrabbit-jca.rar.
The solution is related to include in the rar the file
jboss-classloading.xml instructing JBoss to not load commons-collections 3.2 for the adapter.
Another solution would be update commons-collections to version 3.2