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  1. Causeway
  2. CAUSEWAY-970

Introduce new annotations to collect together all non-UI (layout) hints, and deprecate old annotations



    • Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • core-1.7.0
    • core-1.8.0
    • Core
    • None



          auditing = ENABLED etc. (AuditingPolicy)            // instead of @Audited
          publishing = ENABLED etc. (PublishingPolicy)        // instead of @PublishedObject
          publishingPayloadFactory = SomePayloadFactory.class // instead of @PublishedObject(payloadFactory=...)
          autoCompleteRepository = SomeRepository.class       // instead of @AutoComplete(repository=...)
          autoCompleteAction = "autoComplete"                 // instead of @AutoComplete(action=...)
          bounded = true|false                                // instead of @Bounded.  takes precedence over autoComplete
          editing = ENABLED etc (EditingPolicy)               // instead of @Immutable
          editingDisabledReason = "..."                       // instead of "Always disabled" message inferred from @Immutable
          objectType = "CUS"                                  // instead of @ObjectType
          nature = JDO_ENTITY | EXTERNAL_ENTITY | VIEW_MODEL    // instead of @ViewModel, defaults to JDO_ENTITY


          domainEvent = ToDoItem.DueBy.class        // instead of @PropertyInteraction
          hidden = Where.NOWHERE etc                // instead of @Hidden(where=...); ignore the When enum
          editing = ENABLED etc (EditingPolicy)     // instead of @Disabled; ignore Where and When enums
          editingDisabledReason = "..."             // instead of @Disabled(reason=...)
          maxLength = 20                            // instead of @MaxLength; default of -1 indicates not specified
          mustSatisfy  = {SomeSpecification.class}  // instead of @MustSatisfy
          notPersisted = true|false                 // instead of @NotPersisted; defaults to false
          optional = DEFAULT|TRUE|FALSE             // instead of @Optional and @Mandatory.  
          regexPattern  = ".+\@.+"                  // instead of @RegEx(validation=...)
          regexPatternFlags = 1                     // superset of @RegEx(caseSensitive=...)

      where cardinality defaults to mandatory unless Column(allowsNull="true") is set.


          domainEvent = ToDoItem.Dependencies.class // instead of @CollectionInteraction
          hidden = Where.NOWHERE etc                // instead of @Hidden(where=...); ignore the When enum
          editing = ENABLED etc (EditingPolicy)     // instead of @Disabled; ignore Where and When enums
          editingDisabledReason = "..."             // instead of @Disabled(reason=...)
          typeOf = OrderLine.class                  // instead of @TypeOf


          domainEvent = ToDoItem.Completed.class              // instead of @ActionInteraction
          hidden = Where.NOWHERE etc                          // instead of @Hidden(where=...); ignore the When enum
          semantics = Semantics.SAFE etc.                     // instead of @ActionSemantics
          invokeOn = InvokeOn.OBJECTS_AND_COLLECTIONS         // instead of @Bulk and @Bulk(appliesTo=...)
          command = ENABLED|DISABLED|AS_CONFIGURED            // instead of @Command
          commandPersistence = Persistence.PERSISTED          // instead of @Command(persistence=...)
          commandExecuteIn = ExecuteIn.FOREGROUND             // instead of @Command(executeIn=...)
          publishing = ENABLED etc. (PublishingPolicy)        // instead of @PublishedAction
          publishingPayloadFactory = SomePayloadFactory.class // instead of @PublishedAction(payloadFactory=...)
          restrictTo = Environment.DEVELOPMENT                // instead of @Prototype
          typeOf = OrderLine.class                            // instead of @TypeOf

      nb: @Disabled is no longer provided for actions (use imperative disableXxx() method instead if required)

          maxLength = 20                            // instead of @MaxLength; default of -1 indicates not specified
          minLength   = 3                               // instead of @MinLength
          mustSatisfy = {SomeSpecification.class}       // instead of @MustSatisfy
          optional = DEFAULT|TRUE|FALSE             // instead of @Optional and @Mandatory.  
          regexPattern  = ".+\@.+"                      // instead of @RegEx(validation=...)
          regexPatternFlags = 1                         // superset of @RegEx(caseSensitive=...)

      for ISIS-964:

      @DomainObjectLayout {
          bookmarking = NEVER (BookmarkingPolicy)      // instead of @BookmarkPolicy


      @ActionLayout {
          bookmarking = NEVER (BookmarkingPolicy)      // instead of @BookmarkPolicy

      and remove
      @ActionLayout {
      prototype = true|false

      This would result in the fully supported non-deprecated Isis annotations reducing substantially:

      • @DomainService and @DomainServiceLayout
      • @DomainObject and @DomainObjectLayout
      • @Property and @PropertyLayout
      • @Collection and @CollectionLayout
      • @Action and @ActionLayout
      • @Parameter and @ParameterLayout

      with two further additional UI hints:

      • @Title
      • @MemberGroupLayout

      All the above @XxxLayout annotations can instead be specified using a .layout.json file.

      The following 3rd-party annotations also supported:

      • @javax.validation.constraints.Digits
      • @javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped
      • @javax.jdo.annotations.*

      There are also some annotations that need sorting out for contributed actions, specifically:

      • @NotContributed(As.xxx)
      • @NotInServiceMenu

      ... for these, see ISIS-968

      Also need to figure out the best way to capture the semantics of properties and collections that are contributees (whose semantics are inferred from the contributing action)

      There are still a number of partially supported annotations, mostly pertaining to value types and other DDD ideas). Need to decide what to do with them; deprecate/remove or keep and fully implement? They are:

      • @Value
      • @Defaulted
      • @Encodeable
      • @EqualByContent
      • @Parseable
      • @Aggregated
      • @NotPersistable
      • @Facets




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            danhaywood Daniel Keir Haywood
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