New Feature
Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Using the JDO @Column annotation the length/scale of properties can be specified. However, there is no capability to capture these semantics for action parameters (and the @Column annotation cannot be specified for parameters, even if we thought that were a good idea).
With no semantics, Isis currently infers the scale of a BigDecimal from the entered input. For example, entering "123.45" will parse to a BD with scale of 2, entering "123.4567" will parse to a BD with scale of 4.
The problem, then, is that if a BD with too large a scale is assigned to a property with a lower scale, then JDO will throw an exception.
So this ticket is to bring in a dependency on beanval 1.1 (JSR-349) such that we can reuse the semantics of its @javax.validation.constraint.Digits annotation:
public class ToDoItem
@javax.jdo.annotations.Column(length=10, scale=2)
private Cost cost;
public void updateCost(@javax.validation.constraint.Digits(integer=8,fraction=2) BigDecimal newCost)
{ setCost(cost); }}
In addition, it should be possible to add this annotation to properties too. If there is a mismatch between JDO and the Isis annotaitons, then a metamodel validation exception should be thrown.
side note: ISIS-491 is to more fully integration bean validation... this is only a very small step.