Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
every_jdo_PersistenceCapable_must_be_annotated_with_Version ... should not apply if this is a subtype of an entity.
Every mixin class annotated with @Action, @Collection or @Property must have a 1-arg constructor.
Every mixin class annotated with @Action, @Collection or @Property must follow a naming convention of Xxx_yyy or Xxx$yyy where Xxx is the simple name of the constructor parameter.
Every mixin class should have primary method matching the name in its @Action or @Collection or @Property methodName attrib.
Finder methods in `Repository` should return either a `List<.>` or an `Optional<.>`.
For jaxb view model, any `@Inject`ed fields should be marked as `@XmlTransient`
For serializable view model, any `@Inject`ed fields should be marked as `transient` keyword.
JDO entity must be annotated with @Version.
JDO must have @PersistenceCapable#schema
JDO entity if datastore identity must have @DatastoreIdentity
JPA entity must have Table#schema
JPA entity enums should be annotated with EnumType.STRING.
JPA entity should have id field annotated with @Id.
JPA entity should have version field annotated with @Version.
JDO entity, any `@Inject`ed fields should be marked as `@NonPersistent`
JPA entity, any `@Inject`ed fields should be marked as `@Transient`
JDO entity should have protected no-arg constructors, to force use of factory methods.
JPA entity should have protected no-arg constructors, to force use of factory methods.
Every class annotated with @Repository must have be named XxxRepository (and vice versa)
Every class annotated with @Controller must have be named XxxController (and vice versa)