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  2. IMPALA-9091

query_test.test_scanners.TestScannerReservation.test_scanners flaky



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Critical
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • None
    • Infrastructure



      E   AssertionError: Did not find matches for lines in runtime profile:
      E   row_regex:.*ParquetRowGroupIdealReservation.*Avg: 3.50 MB.*
      E   Query (id=3b48738ce971e36b:b6f52bf500000000):
      E     DEBUG MODE WARNING: Query profile created while running a DEBUG build of Impala. Use RELEASE builds to measure query performance.
      E     Summary:
      E       Session ID: 2e4c96b22f2ac6e3:88afa967b63e7983
      E       Session Type: BEESWAX
      E       Start Time: 2019-10-24 21:22:06.311001000
      E       End Time: 2019-10-24 21:22:06.520778000
      E       Query Type: QUERY
      E       Query State: FINISHED
      E       Query Status: OK
      E       Impala Version: impalad version 3.4.0-SNAPSHOT DEBUG (build 8c60e91f7c3812aca14739535a994d21c51fc0b0)
      E       User: ubuntu
      E       Connected User: ubuntu
      E       Delegated User: 
      E       Network Address: ::ffff:
      E       Default Db: functional
      E       Sql Statement: select * from tpch_parquet.lineitem
      E   where l_orderkey < 10
      E       Coordinator: ip-172-31-20-105:22000
      E       Query Options (set by configuration): ABORT_ON_ERROR=1,EXEC_SINGLE_NODE_ROWS_THRESHOLD=0,DISABLE_CODEGEN_ROWS_THRESHOLD=0,TIMEZONE=Universal,CLIENT_IDENTIFIER=query_test/test_scanners.py::TestScannerReservation::()::test_scanners[protocol:beeswax|exec_option:{'batch_size':0;'num_nodes':0;'disable_codegen_rows_threshold':0;'disable_codegen':False;'abort_on_error':1;'exec_single_node_rows_threshold':0}|table_form
      E       Query Options (set by configuration and planner): ABORT_ON_ERROR=1,EXEC_SINGLE_NODE_ROWS_THRESHOLD=0,MT_DOP=0,DISABLE_CODEGEN_ROWS_THRESHOLD=0,TIMEZONE=Universal,CLIENT_IDENTIFIER=query_test/test_scanners.py::TestScannerReservation::()::test_scanners[protocol:beeswax|exec_option:{'batch_size':0;'num_nodes':0;'disable_codegen_rows_threshold':0;'disable_codegen':False;'abort_on_error':1;'exec_single_node_rows_threshold':0}|table_form
      E       Plan: 
      E   ----------------
      E   Max Per-Host Resource Reservation: Memory=40.00MB Threads=3
      E   Per-Host Resource Estimates: Memory=1.26GB
      E   Analyzed query: SELECT * FROM tpch_parquet.lineitem WHERE l_orderkey < CAST(10
      E   AS BIGINT)
      E   F01:PLAN FRAGMENT [UNPARTITIONED] hosts=1 instances=1
      E   |  Per-Host Resources: mem-estimate=10.69MB mem-reservation=0B thread-reservation=1
      E   |  output exprs: tpch_parquet.lineitem.l_orderkey, tpch_parquet.lineitem.l_partkey, tpch_parquet.lineitem.l_suppkey, tpch_parquet.lineitem.l_linenumber, tpch_parquet.lineitem.l_quantity, tpch_parquet.lineitem.l_extendedprice, tpch_parquet.lineitem.l_discount, tpch_parquet.lineitem.l_tax, tpch_parquet.lineitem.l_returnflag, tpch_parquet.lineitem.l_linestatus, tpch_parquet.lineitem.l_shipdate, tpch_parquet.lineitem.l_commitdate, tpch_parquet.lineitem.l_receiptdate, tpch_parquet.lineitem.l_shipinstruct, tpch_parquet.lineitem.l_shipmode, tpch_parquet.lineitem.l_comment
      E   |  mem-estimate=0B mem-reservation=0B thread-reservation=0
      E   |
      E   |  mem-estimate=10.69MB mem-reservation=0B thread-reservation=0
      E   |  tuple-ids=0 row-size=231B cardinality=600.12K
      E   |  in pipelines: 00(GETNEXT)
      E   |
      E   F00:PLAN FRAGMENT [RANDOM] hosts=3 instances=3
      E   Per-Host Resources: mem-estimate=1.25GB mem-reservation=40.00MB thread-reservation=2
      E   00:SCAN HDFS [tpch_parquet.lineitem, RANDOM]
      E      HDFS partitions=1/1 files=3 size=193.97MB
      E      predicates: l_orderkey < CAST(10 AS BIGINT)
      E      stored statistics:
      E        table: rows=6.00M size=193.97MB
      E        columns: all
      E      extrapolated-rows=disabled max-scan-range-rows=2.14M
      E      parquet statistics predicates: l_orderkey < CAST(10 AS BIGINT)
      E      parquet dictionary predicates: l_orderkey < CAST(10 AS BIGINT)
      E      mem-estimate=1.25GB mem-reservation=40.00MB thread-reservation=1
      E      tuple-ids=0 row-size=231B cardinality=600.12K
      E      in pipelines: 00(GETNEXT)
      E   ----------------
      E       Estimated Per-Host Mem: 1353384279
      E       Request Pool: default-pool
      E       Per Host Min Memory Reservation: ip-172-31-20-105:22001(40.00 MB) ip-172-31-20-105:22002(40.00 MB) ip-172-31-20-105:22000(40.00 MB)
      E       Per Host Number of Fragment Instances: ip-172-31-20-105:22001(1) ip-172-31-20-105:22002(1) ip-172-31-20-105:22000(2)
      E       Admission result: Admitted immediately
      E       Cluster Memory Admitted: 3.78 GB
      E       Executor Group: default
      E       ExecSummary: 
      E   Operator              #Hosts  Avg Time   Max Time  #Rows  Est. #Rows  Peak Mem  Est. Peak Mem  Detail                
      E   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      E   F01:ROOT                   1   0.000ns    0.000ns                            0              0                        
      E   01:EXCHANGE                1   0.000ns    0.000ns     25     600.12K  16.00 KB       10.69 MB  UNPARTITIONED         
      E   F00:EXCHANGE SENDER        3   0.000ns    0.000ns                     824.00 B              0                        
      E   00:SCAN HDFS               3  34.666ms  103.999ms     25     600.12K  45.19 MB        1.25 GB  tpch_parquet.lineitem
      E       Errors: 
      E       Query Compilation: 1.594ms
      E          - Metadata of all 1 tables cached: 161.262us (161.262us)
      E          - Analysis finished: 334.355us (173.093us)
      E          - Authorization finished (noop): 345.717us (11.362us)
      E          - Value transfer graph computed: 431.146us (85.429us)
      E          - Single node plan created: 1.042ms (610.955us)
      E          - Runtime filters computed: 1.067ms (25.100us)
      E          - Distributed plan created: 1.086ms (19.135us)
      E          - Planning finished: 1.594ms (508.537us)
      E       Query Timeline: 211.998ms
      E          - Query submitted: 0.000ns (0.000ns)
      E          - Planning finished: 0.000ns (0.000ns)
      E          - Submit for admission: 0.000ns (0.000ns)
      E          - Completed admission: 0.000ns (0.000ns)
      E          - Ready to start on 3 backends: 3.999ms (3.999ms)
      E          - All 3 execution backends (4 fragment instances) started: 3.999ms (0.000ns)
      E          - Rows available: 179.998ms (175.998ms)
      E          - First row fetched: 203.998ms (23.999ms)
      E          - Last row fetched: 203.998ms (0.000ns)
      E          - Released admission control resources: 207.998ms (3.999ms)
      E        - AdmissionControlTimeSinceLastUpdate: 30.000ms
      E        - ComputeScanRangeAssignmentTimer: 0.000ns
      E       Frontend:
      E     ImpalaServer:
      E        - ClientFetchWaitTimer: 23.999ms
      E        - NumRowsFetched: 25 (25)
      E        - NumRowsFetchedFromCache: 0 (0)
      E        - RowMaterializationRate: 3.12 K/sec
      E        - RowMaterializationTimer: 7.999ms
      E     Execution Profile 3b48738ce971e36b:b6f52bf500000000:(Total: 183.998ms, non-child: 0.000ns, % non-child: 0.00%)
      E       Number of filters: 0
      E       Filter routing table: 
      E    ID  Src. Node  Tgt. Node(s)  Target type  Partition filter  Pending (Expected)  First arrived  Completed   Enabled
      E   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      E       Backend startup latencies: Count: 3, min / max: 1ms / 2ms, 25th %-ile: 1ms, 50th %-ile: 1ms, 75th %-ile: 1ms, 90th %-ile: 2ms, 95th %-ile: 2ms, 99.9th %-ile: 2ms
      E       Slowest backend to start up: ip-172-31-20-105:22001
      E       Per Node Peak Memory Usage: ip-172-31-20-105:22001(40.14 MB) ip-172-31-20-105:22002(45.20 MB) ip-172-31-20-105:22000(40.34 MB)
      E       Per Node Bytes Read: ip-172-31-20-105:22001(100.00 KB) ip-172-31-20-105:22002(3.25 MB) ip-172-31-20-105:22000(100.00 KB)
      E       Per Node User Time: ip-172-31-20-105:22001(56.000ms) ip-172-31-20-105:22002(168.000ms) ip-172-31-20-105:22000(136.000ms)
      E       Per Node System Time: ip-172-31-20-105:22001(0.000ns) ip-172-31-20-105:22002(0.000ns) ip-172-31-20-105:22000(0.000ns)
      E        - ExchangeScanRatio: 0.00 
      E        - FiltersReceived: 0 (0)
      E        - FinalizationTimer: 0.000ns
      E        - InnerNodeSelectivityRatio: 0.00 
      E        - NumBackends: 3 (3)
      E        - NumCompletedBackends: 3 (3)
      E        - NumFragmentInstances: 4 (4)
      E        - NumFragments: 2 (2)
      E        - TotalBytesRead: 3.45 MB (3617314)
      E        - TotalBytesSent: 3.30 KB (3375)
      E        - TotalCpuTime: 360.000ms
      E        - TotalInnerBytesSent: 0
      E        - TotalScanBytesSent: 3.30 KB (3375)
      E       Per Node Profiles:
      E         ip-172-31-20-105:22001:
      E            - AdmissionSlots: 1 (1)
      E            - ScratchBytesRead: 0
      E            - ScratchBytesWritten: 0
      E            - ScratchFileUsedBytes: 0
      E            - ScratchReads: 0 (0)
      E            - ScratchWrites: 0 (0)
      E            - TotalEncryptionTime: 0.000ns
      E            - TotalReadBlockTime: 0.000ns
      E         ip-172-31-20-105:22002:
      E            - AdmissionSlots: 1 (1)
      E            - ScratchBytesRead: 0
      E            - ScratchBytesWritten: 0
      E            - ScratchFileUsedBytes: 0
      E            - ScratchReads: 0 (0)
      E            - ScratchWrites: 0 (0)
      E            - TotalEncryptionTime: 0.000ns
      E            - TotalReadBlockTime: 0.000ns
      E         ip-172-31-20-105:22000:
      E            - AdmissionSlots: 1 (1)
      E            - ScratchBytesRead: 0
      E            - ScratchBytesWritten: 0
      E            - ScratchFileUsedBytes: 0
      E            - ScratchReads: 0 (0)
      E            - ScratchWrites: 0 (0)
      E            - TotalEncryptionTime: 0.000ns
      E            - TotalReadBlockTime: 0.000ns
      E       Averaged Fragment F01:(Total: 199.998ms, non-child: 0.000ns, % non-child: 0.00%)
      E         split sizes:  min: 0, max: 0, avg: 0, stddev: 0
      E         completion times: min:203.998ms  max:203.998ms  mean: 203.998ms  stddev:0.000ns
      E         execution rates: min:0.00 /sec  max:0.00 /sec  mean:0.00 /sec  stddev:0.00 /sec
      E         num instances: 1
      E          - AverageThreadTokens: 0.00 
      E          - BloomFilterBytes: 0
      E          - ExchangeScanRatio: 0.00 
      E          - PeakMemoryUsage: 210.00 KB (215040)
      E          - PeakReservation: 0
      E          - PeakUsedReservation: 0
      E          - PerHostPeakMemUsage: 40.34 MB (42301240)
      E          - RowsProduced: 25 (25)
      E          - TotalNetworkReceiveTime: 91.999ms
      E          - TotalNetworkSendTime: 0.000ns
      E          - TotalStorageWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E          - TotalThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 9 (9)
      E          - TotalThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 199.998ms
      E            - TotalThreadsSysTime: 0.000ns
      E            - TotalThreadsUserTime: 80.000ms
      E          - TotalThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 3 (3)
      E         Buffer pool:
      E            - AllocTime: 0.000ns
      E            - CumulativeAllocationBytes: 0
      E            - CumulativeAllocations: 0 (0)
      E            - PeakReservation: 0
      E            - PeakUnpinnedBytes: 0
      E            - PeakUsedReservation: 0
      E            - ReadIoBytes: 0
      E            - ReadIoOps: 0 (0)
      E            - ReadIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E            - ReservationLimit: 0
      E            - SystemAllocTime: 0.000ns
      E            - WriteIoBytes: 0
      E            - WriteIoOps: 0 (0)
      E            - WriteIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E         Fragment Instance Lifecycle Timings:
      E            - ExecTime: 23.999ms
      E              - ExecTreeExecTime: 0.000ns
      E            - OpenTime: 175.998ms
      E              - ExecTreeOpenTime: 91.999ms
      E            - PrepareTime: 0.000ns
      E              - ExecTreePrepareTime: 0.000ns
      E         PLAN_ROOT_SINK:(Total: 23.999ms, non-child: 23.999ms, % non-child: 100.00%)
      E            - PeakMemoryUsage: 0
      E            - RowsSent: 25 (25)
      E            - RowsSentRate: 1.04 K/sec
      E         EXCHANGE_NODE (id=1):(Total: 91.999ms, non-child: 91.999ms, % non-child: 100.00%)
      E            - ConvertRowBatchTime: 0.000ns
      E            - PeakMemoryUsage: 16.00 KB (16384)
      E            - RowsReturned: 25 (25)
      E            - RowsReturnedRate: 271.00 /sec
      E           Buffer pool:
      E              - AllocTime: 0.000ns
      E              - CumulativeAllocationBytes: 16.00 KB (16384)
      E              - CumulativeAllocations: 2 (2)
      E              - PeakReservation: 16.00 KB (16384)
      E              - PeakUnpinnedBytes: 0
      E              - PeakUsedReservation: 16.00 KB (16384)
      E              - ReadIoBytes: 0
      E              - ReadIoOps: 0 (0)
      E              - ReadIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E              - SystemAllocTime: 0.000ns
      E              - WriteIoBytes: 0
      E              - WriteIoOps: 0 (0)
      E              - WriteIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E           Dequeue:
      E              - FirstBatchWaitTime: 91.999ms
      E              - TotalBytesDequeued: 5.87 KB (6006)
      E              - TotalGetBatchTime: 91.999ms
      E                - DataWaitTime: 91.999ms
      E           Enqueue:
      E              - DeserializeRowBatchTime: 0.000ns
      E              - TotalBatchesEnqueued: 1 (1)
      E              - TotalBatchesReceived: 1 (1)
      E              - TotalBytesReceived: 3.30 KB (3375)
      E              - TotalEarlySenders: 0 (0)
      E              - TotalEosReceived: 3 (3)
      E              - TotalHasDeferredRPCsTime: 0.000ns
      E              - TotalRPCsDeferred: 0 (0)
      E         CodeGen:(Total: 83.999ms, non-child: 83.999ms, % non-child: 100.00%)
      E            - CodegenInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 9 (9)
      E            - CodegenTotalWallClockTime: 83.999ms
      E              - CodegenSysTime: 0.000ns
      E              - CodegenUserTime: 80.000ms
      E            - CodegenVoluntaryContextSwitches: 0 (0)
      E            - CompileTime: 7.999ms
      E            - IrGenerationTime: 0.000ns
      E            - LoadTime: 0.000ns
      E            - ModuleBitcodeSize: 2.44 MB (2558836)
      E            - NumFunctions: 20 (20)
      E            - NumInstructions: 404 (404)
      E            - OptimizationTime: 39.999ms
      E            - PeakMemoryUsage: 202.00 KB (206848)
      E            - PrepareTime: 31.999ms
      E       Coordinator Fragment F01:
      E         Instance 3b48738ce971e36b:b6f52bf500000000 (host=ip-172-31-20-105:22000):(Total: 199.998ms, non-child: 0.000ns, % non-child: 0.00%)
      E           Last report received time: 2019-10-24 21:22:06.520
      E           Fragment Instance Lifecycle Event Timeline: 199.998ms
      E              - Prepare Finished: 0.000ns (0.000ns)
      E              - Open Finished: 175.998ms (175.998ms)
      E              - First Batch Produced: 175.998ms (0.000ns)
      E              - First Batch Sent: 199.998ms (23.999ms)
      E              - ExecInternal Finished: 199.998ms (0.000ns)
      E            - MemoryUsage (500.000ms): 9.98 KB
      E            - AverageThreadTokens: 0.00 
      E            - BloomFilterBytes: 0
      E            - ExchangeScanRatio: 0.00 
      E            - PeakMemoryUsage: 210.00 KB (215040)
      E            - PeakReservation: 0
      E            - PeakUsedReservation: 0
      E            - PerHostPeakMemUsage: 40.34 MB (42301240)
      E            - RowsProduced: 25 (25)
      E            - TotalNetworkReceiveTime: 91.999ms
      E            - TotalNetworkSendTime: 0.000ns
      E            - TotalStorageWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E            - TotalThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 9 (9)
      E            - TotalThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 199.998ms
      E              - TotalThreadsSysTime: 0.000ns
      E              - TotalThreadsUserTime: 80.000ms
      E            - TotalThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 3 (3)
      E           Buffer pool:
      E              - AllocTime: 0.000ns
      E              - CumulativeAllocationBytes: 0
      E              - CumulativeAllocations: 0 (0)
      E              - PeakReservation: 0
      E              - PeakUnpinnedBytes: 0
      E              - PeakUsedReservation: 0
      E              - ReadIoBytes: 0
      E              - ReadIoOps: 0 (0)
      E              - ReadIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E              - ReservationLimit: 0
      E              - SystemAllocTime: 0.000ns
      E              - WriteIoBytes: 0
      E              - WriteIoOps: 0 (0)
      E              - WriteIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E           Fragment Instance Lifecycle Timings:
      E              - ExecTime: 23.999ms
      E                - ExecTreeExecTime: 0.000ns
      E              - OpenTime: 175.998ms
      E                - ExecTreeOpenTime: 91.999ms
      E              - PrepareTime: 0.000ns
      E                - ExecTreePrepareTime: 0.000ns
      E           PLAN_ROOT_SINK:(Total: 23.999ms, non-child: 0.000ns, % non-child: 0.00%)
      E              - PeakMemoryUsage: 0
      E              - RowsSent: 25 (25)
      E              - RowsSentRate: 1.04 K/sec
      E           EXCHANGE_NODE (id=1):(Total: 91.999ms, non-child: 0.000ns, % non-child: 0.00%)
      E             Node Lifecycle Event Timeline: 199.998ms
      E                - Open Started: 83.999ms (83.999ms)
      E                - Open Finished: 175.998ms (91.999ms)
      E                - First Batch Requested: 175.998ms (0.000ns)
      E                - First Batch Returned: 175.998ms (0.000ns)
      E                - Last Batch Returned: 175.998ms (0.000ns)
      E                - Closed: 199.998ms (23.999ms)
      E              - ConvertRowBatchTime: 0.000ns
      E              - PeakMemoryUsage: 16.00 KB (16384)
      E              - RowsReturned: 25 (25)
      E              - RowsReturnedRate: 271.00 /sec
      E             Buffer pool:
      E                - AllocTime: 0.000ns
      E                - CumulativeAllocationBytes: 16.00 KB (16384)
      E                - CumulativeAllocations: 2 (2)
      E                - PeakReservation: 16.00 KB (16384)
      E                - PeakUnpinnedBytes: 0
      E                - PeakUsedReservation: 16.00 KB (16384)
      E                - ReadIoBytes: 0
      E                - ReadIoOps: 0 (0)
      E                - ReadIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E                - SystemAllocTime: 0.000ns
      E                - WriteIoBytes: 0
      E                - WriteIoOps: 0 (0)
      E                - WriteIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E             Dequeue:
      E                - BytesDequeued (500.000ms): 0
      E                - FirstBatchWaitTime: 91.999ms
      E                - TotalBytesDequeued: 5.87 KB (6006)
      E                - TotalGetBatchTime: 91.999ms
      E                  - DataWaitTime: 91.999ms
      E             Enqueue:
      E                - BytesReceived (500.000ms): 0
      E                - DeferredQueueSize (500.000ms): 0
      E                - DispatchTime: (Avg: 101.747us ; Min: 101.747us ; Max: 101.747us ; Number of samples: 1)
      E                - DeserializeRowBatchTime: 0.000ns
      E                - TotalBatchesEnqueued: 1 (1)
      E                - TotalBatchesReceived: 1 (1)
      E                - TotalBytesReceived: 3.30 KB (3375)
      E                - TotalEarlySenders: 0 (0)
      E                - TotalEosReceived: 3 (3)
      E                - TotalHasDeferredRPCsTime: 0.000ns
      E                - TotalRPCsDeferred: 0 (0)
      E           CodeGen:(Total: 83.999ms, non-child: 83.999ms, % non-child: 100.00%)
      E              - CodegenInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 9 (9)
      E              - CodegenTotalWallClockTime: 83.999ms
      E                - CodegenSysTime: 0.000ns
      E                - CodegenUserTime: 80.000ms
      E              - CodegenVoluntaryContextSwitches: 0 (0)
      E              - CompileTime: 7.999ms
      E              - IrGenerationTime: 0.000ns
      E              - LoadTime: 0.000ns
      E              - ModuleBitcodeSize: 2.44 MB (2558836)
      E              - NumFunctions: 20 (20)
      E              - NumInstructions: 404 (404)
      E              - OptimizationTime: 39.999ms
      E              - PeakMemoryUsage: 202.00 KB (206848)
      E              - PrepareTime: 31.999ms
      E       Averaged Fragment F00:(Total: 99.999ms, non-child: 0.000ns, % non-child: 0.00%)
      E         split sizes:  min: 55.81 MB, max: 69.22 MB, avg: 64.66 MB, stddev: 6.26 MB
      E         completion times: min:59.999ms  max:203.998ms  mean: 147.999ms  stddev:62.991ms
      E         execution rates: min:273.57 MB/sec  max:1.12 GB/sec  mean:602.41 MB/sec  stddev:389.21 MB/sec
      E         num instances: 3
      E          - AverageThreadTokens: 0.67 
      E          - BloomFilterBytes: 0
      E          - ExchangeScanRatio: 0.00 
      E          - PeakMemoryUsage: 41.76 MB (43785568)
      E          - PeakReservation: 40.00 MB (41943040)
      E          - PeakUsedReservation: 0
      E          - PerHostPeakMemUsage: 41.89 MB (43926734)
      E          - RowsProduced: 8 (8)
      E          - TotalNetworkReceiveTime: 0.000ns
      E          - TotalNetworkSendTime: 2.666ms
      E          - TotalStorageWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E          - TotalThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 25 (25)
      E          - TotalThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 134.665ms
      E            - TotalThreadsSysTime: 0.000ns
      E            - TotalThreadsUserTime: 93.333ms
      E          - TotalThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 10 (10)
      E         Buffer pool:
      E            - AllocTime: 0.000ns
      E            - CumulativeAllocationBytes: 0
      E            - CumulativeAllocations: 0 (0)
      E            - PeakReservation: 0
      E            - PeakUnpinnedBytes: 0
      E            - PeakUsedReservation: 0
      E            - ReadIoBytes: 0
      E            - ReadIoOps: 0 (0)
      E            - ReadIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E            - ReservationLimit: 0
      E            - SystemAllocTime: 0.000ns
      E            - WriteIoBytes: 0
      E            - WriteIoOps: 0 (0)
      E            - WriteIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E         Fragment Instance Lifecycle Timings:
      E            - ExecTime: 37.333ms
      E              - ExecTreeExecTime: 34.666ms
      E            - OpenTime: 62.666ms
      E              - ExecTreeOpenTime: 0.000ns
      E            - PrepareTime: 0.000ns
      E              - ExecTreePrepareTime: 0.000ns
      E         KrpcDataStreamSender (dst_id=1):(Total: 2.666ms, non-child: 2.666ms, % non-child: 100.00%)
      E            - EosSent: 1 (1)
      E            - PeakMemoryUsage: 824.00 B (824)
      E            - RowsSent: 8 (8)
      E            - RpcFailure: 0 (0)
      E            - RpcRetry: 0 (0)
      E            - SerializeBatchTime: 0.000ns
      E            - TotalBytesSent: 1.10 KB (1125)
      E            - UncompressedRowBatchSize: 1.96 KB (2002)
      E         HDFS_SCAN_NODE (id=0):(Total: 34.666ms, non-child: 34.666ms, % non-child: 100.00%)
      E            - AverageHdfsReadThreadConcurrency: 0.00 
      E            - AverageScannerThreadConcurrency: 0.33 
      E            - BytesRead: 1.15 MB (1205771)
      E            - BytesReadDataNodeCache: 0
      E            - BytesReadLocal: 1.15 MB (1205771)
      E            - BytesReadRemoteUnexpected: 0
      E            - BytesReadShortCircuit: 1.15 MB (1205771)
      E            - CachedFileHandlesHitCount: 9 (9)
      E            - CachedFileHandlesMissCount: 0 (0)
      E            - CollectionItemsRead: 0 (0)
      E            - DataCacheHitBytes: 0
      E            - DataCacheHitCount: 0 (0)
      E            - DataCacheMissBytes: 0
      E            - DataCacheMissCount: 0 (0)
      E            - DataCachePartialHitCount: 0 (0)
      E            - DecompressionTime: 2.666ms
      E            - MaterializeTupleTime(*): 5.333ms
      E            - MaxCompressedTextFileLength: 0
      E            - NumColumns: 16 (16)
      E            - NumDictFilteredRowGroups: 0 (0)
      E            - NumDisksAccessed: 1 (1)
      E            - NumPages: 666 (666)
      E            - NumRowGroups: 1 (1)
      E            - NumRowGroupsWithPageIndex: 1 (1)
      E            - NumScannerThreadMemUnavailable: 0 (0)
      E            - NumScannerThreadReservationsDenied: 0 (0)
      E            - NumScannerThreadsStarted: 1 (1)
      E            - NumScannersWithNoReads: 0 (0)
      E            - NumStatsFilteredPages: 651 (651)
      E            - NumStatsFilteredRowGroups: 0 (0)
      E            - PeakMemoryUsage: 41.75 MB (43775309)
      E            - PeakScannerThreadConcurrency: 1 (1)
      E            - PerReadThreadRawHdfsThroughput: 135.60 MB/sec
      E            - RemoteScanRanges: 0 (0)
      E            - RowBatchBytesEnqueued: 1.03 MB (1075813)
      E            - RowBatchQueueGetWaitTime: 34.666ms
      E            - RowBatchQueuePeakMemoryUsage: 573.41 KB (587175)
      E            - RowBatchQueuePutWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E            - RowBatchesEnqueued: 2 (2)
      E            - RowsRead: 10.77K (10766)
      E            - RowsReturned: 8 (8)
      E            - RowsReturnedRate: 80.00 /sec
      E            - ScanRangesComplete: 1 (1)
      E            - ScannerIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E            - ScannerThreadWorklessLoops: 0 (0)
      E            - ScannerThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 5 (5)
      E            - ScannerThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 34.666ms
      E              - ScannerThreadsSysTime: 0.000ns
      E              - ScannerThreadsUserTime: 33.333ms
      E            - ScannerThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 5 (5)
      E            - TotalRawHdfsOpenFileTime(*): 0.000ns
      E            - TotalRawHdfsReadTime(*): 2.666ms
      E            - TotalReadThroughput: 2.17 MB/sec
      E           Buffer pool:
      E              - AllocTime: 0.000ns
      E              - CumulativeAllocationBytes: 1.50 MB (1572864)
      E              - CumulativeAllocations: 6 (6)
      E              - PeakReservation: 40.00 MB (41943040)
      E              - PeakUnpinnedBytes: 0
      E              - PeakUsedReservation: 1.46 MB (1529173)
      E              - ReadIoBytes: 0
      E              - ReadIoOps: 0 (0)
      E              - ReadIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E              - SystemAllocTime: 0.000ns
      E              - WriteIoBytes: 0
      E              - WriteIoOps: 0 (0)
      E              - WriteIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E         CodeGen:(Total: 62.666ms, non-child: 62.666ms, % non-child: 100.00%)
      E            - CodegenInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 20 (20)
      E            - CodegenTotalWallClockTime: 62.666ms
      E              - CodegenSysTime: 0.000ns
      E              - CodegenUserTime: 56.000ms
      E            - CodegenVoluntaryContextSwitches: 0 (0)
      E            - CompileTime: 3.999ms
      E            - IrGenerationTime: 2.666ms
      E            - LoadTime: 0.000ns
      E            - ModuleBitcodeSize: 2.44 MB (2558836)
      E            - NumFunctions: 16 (16)
      E            - NumInstructions: 262 (262)
      E            - OptimizationTime: 29.333ms
      E            - PeakMemoryUsage: 131.00 KB (134144)
      E            - PrepareTime: 25.333ms
      E       Fragment F00:
      E         Instance 3b48738ce971e36b:b6f52bf500000001 (host=ip-172-31-20-105:22002):(Total: 175.998ms, non-child: 0.000ns, % non-child: 0.00%)
      E           Last report received time: 2019-10-24 21:22:06.495
      E           Hdfs split stats (<volume id>:<# splits>/<split lengths>): 0:1/69.22 MB
      E           Fragment Instance Lifecycle Event Timeline: 175.998ms
      E              - Prepare Finished: 0.000ns (0.000ns)
      E              - Open Finished: 71.999ms (71.999ms)
      E              - First Batch Produced: 175.998ms (103.999ms)
      E              - First Batch Sent: 175.998ms (0.000ns)
      E              - ExecInternal Finished: 175.998ms (0.000ns)
      E            - MemoryUsage (500.000ms): 43.26 MB
      E            - ThreadUsage (500.000ms): 2
      E            - AverageThreadTokens: 2.00 
      E            - BloomFilterBytes: 0
      E            - ExchangeScanRatio: 0.00 
      E            - PeakMemoryUsage: 45.20 MB (47392762)
      E            - PeakReservation: 40.00 MB (41943040)
      E            - PeakUsedReservation: 0
      E            - PerHostPeakMemUsage: 45.20 MB (47392762)
      E            - RowsProduced: 25 (25)
      E            - TotalNetworkReceiveTime: 0.000ns
      E            - TotalNetworkSendTime: 0.000ns
      E            - TotalStorageWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E            - TotalThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 40 (40)
      E            - TotalThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 279.998ms
      E              - TotalThreadsSysTime: 0.000ns
      E              - TotalThreadsUserTime: 168.000ms
      E            - TotalThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 18 (18)
      E           Buffer pool:
      E              - AllocTime: 0.000ns
      E              - CumulativeAllocationBytes: 0
      E              - CumulativeAllocations: 0 (0)
      E              - PeakReservation: 0
      E              - PeakUnpinnedBytes: 0
      E              - PeakUsedReservation: 0
      E              - ReadIoBytes: 0
      E              - ReadIoOps: 0 (0)
      E              - ReadIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E              - ReservationLimit: 0
      E              - SystemAllocTime: 0.000ns
      E              - WriteIoBytes: 0
      E              - WriteIoOps: 0 (0)
      E              - WriteIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E           Fragment Instance Lifecycle Timings:
      E              - ExecTime: 103.999ms
      E                - ExecTreeExecTime: 103.999ms
      E              - OpenTime: 71.999ms
      E                - ExecTreeOpenTime: 0.000ns
      E              - PrepareTime: 0.000ns
      E                - ExecTreePrepareTime: 0.000ns
      E           KrpcDataStreamSender (dst_id=1):
      E             ExecOption: Unpartitioned Sender Codegen Disabled: not needed
      E              - BytesSent (500.000ms): 0
      E              - NetworkThroughput: (Avg: 3.49 MB/sec ; Min: 3.49 MB/sec ; Max: 3.49 MB/sec ; Number of samples: 1)
      E              - EosSent: 1 (1)
      E              - PeakMemoryUsage: 824.00 B (824)
      E              - RowsSent: 25 (25)
      E              - RpcFailure: 0 (0)
      E              - RpcRetry: 0 (0)
      E              - SerializeBatchTime: 0.000ns
      E              - TotalBytesSent: 3.30 KB (3375)
      E              - UncompressedRowBatchSize: 5.87 KB (6006)
      E           HDFS_SCAN_NODE (id=0):(Total: 103.999ms, non-child: 103.999ms, % non-child: 100.00%)
      E             Hdfs split stats (<volume id>:<# splits>/<split lengths>): 0:1/69.22 MB
      E             ExecOption: PARQUET Codegen Enabled, Codegen enabled: 1 out of 1
      E             Hdfs Read Thread Concurrency Bucket: 0:100% 1:0% 2:0% 3:0% 4:0% 5:0% 6:0% 7:0%
      E             File Formats: PARQUET/SNAPPY:1
      E             Node Lifecycle Event Timeline: 175.998ms
      E                - Open Started: 71.999ms (71.999ms)
      E                - Open Finished: 71.999ms (0.000ns)
      E                - First Batch Requested: 71.999ms (0.000ns)
      E                - First Batch Returned: 175.998ms (103.999ms)
      E                - Last Batch Returned: 175.998ms (0.000ns)
      E                - Closed: 175.998ms (0.000ns)
      E              - BytesRead (500.000ms): 3.25 MB
      E              - FooterProcessingTime: (Avg: 3.999ms ; Min: 3.999ms ; Max: 3.999ms ; Number of samples: 1)
      E              - InitialRangeActualReservation: (Avg: 40.00 MB (41943040) ; Min: 40.00 MB (41943040) ; Max: 40.00 MB (41943040) ; Number of samples: 1)
      E              - InitialRangeIdealReservation: (Avg: 128.00 KB (131072) ; Min: 128.00 KB (131072) ; Max: 128.00 KB (131072) ; Number of samples: 1)
      E              - PageIndexProcessingTime: (Avg: 31.999ms ; Min: 31.999ms ; Max: 31.999ms ; Number of samples: 1)
      E              - ParquetCompressedBytesReadPerColumn: (Avg: 125.41 KB (128421) ; Min: 30.69 KB (31424) ; Max: 429.91 KB (440228) ; Number of samples: 16)
      E              - ParquetCompressedPageSize: (Avg: 45.60 KB (46698) ; Min: 26.67 KB (27308) ; Max: 74.06 KB (75841) ; Number of samples: 44)
      E              - ParquetRowGroupActualReservation: (Avg: 40.00 MB (41943040) ; Min: 40.00 MB (41943040) ; Max: 40.00 MB (41943040) ; Number of samples: 1)
      E              - ParquetRowGroupIdealReservation: (Avg: 4.12 MB (4325376) ; Min: 4.12 MB (4325376) ; Max: 4.12 MB (4325376) ; Number of samples: 1)
      E              - ParquetUncompressedBytesReadPerColumn: (Avg: 176.66 KB (180896) ; Min: 61.84 KB (63321) ; Max: 1023.81 KB (1048379) ; Number of samples: 16)
      E              - ParquetUncompressedPageSize: (Avg: 64.24 KB (65780) ; Min: 61.84 KB (63321) ; Max: 78.89 KB (80788) ; Number of samples: 44)
      E              - AverageHdfsReadThreadConcurrency: 0.00 
      E              - AverageScannerThreadConcurrency: 1.00 
      E              - BytesRead: 3.25 MB (3412514)
      E              - BytesReadDataNodeCache: 0
      E              - BytesReadLocal: 3.25 MB (3412514)
      E              - BytesReadRemoteUnexpected: 0
      E              - BytesReadShortCircuit: 3.25 MB (3412514)
      E              - CachedFileHandlesHitCount: 27 (27)
      E              - CachedFileHandlesMissCount: 0 (0)
      E              - CollectionItemsRead: 0 (0)
      E              - DataCacheHitBytes: 0
      E              - DataCacheHitCount: 0 (0)
      E              - DataCacheMissBytes: 0
      E              - DataCacheMissCount: 0 (0)
      E              - DataCachePartialHitCount: 0 (0)
      E              - DecompressionTime: 7.999ms
      E              - MaterializeTupleTime(*): 15.999ms
      E              - MaxCompressedTextFileLength: 0
      E              - NumColumns: 16 (16)
      E              - NumDictFilteredRowGroups: 0 (0)
      E              - NumDisksAccessed: 1 (1)
      E              - NumPages: 2.00K (1998)
      E              - NumRowGroups: 1 (1)
      E              - NumRowGroupsWithPageIndex: 1 (1)
      E              - NumScannerThreadMemUnavailable: 0 (0)
      E              - NumScannerThreadReservationsDenied: 0 (0)
      E              - NumScannerThreadsStarted: 1 (1)
      E              - NumScannersWithNoReads: 0 (0)
      E              - NumStatsFilteredPages: 1.95K (1954)
      E              - NumStatsFilteredRowGroups: 0 (0)
      E              - PeakMemoryUsage: 45.19 MB (47382503)
      E              - PeakScannerThreadConcurrency: 1 (1)
      E              - PerReadThreadRawHdfsThroughput: 406.81 MB/sec
      E              - RemoteScanRanges: 0 (0)
      E              - RowBatchBytesEnqueued: 3.08 MB (3227439)
      E              - RowBatchQueueGetWaitTime: 103.999ms
      E              - RowBatchQueuePeakMemoryUsage: 1.65 MB (1728758)
      E              - RowBatchQueuePutWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E              - RowBatchesEnqueued: 3 (3)
      E              - RowsRead: 32.30K (32300)
      E              - RowsReturned: 25 (25)
      E              - RowsReturnedRate: 240.00 /sec
      E              - ScanRangesComplete: 1 (1)
      E              - ScannerIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E              - ScannerThreadWorklessLoops: 0 (0)
      E              - ScannerThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 17 (17)
      E              - ScannerThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 103.999ms
      E                - ScannerThreadsSysTime: 0.000ns
      E                - ScannerThreadsUserTime: 100.000ms
      E              - ScannerThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 12 (12)
      E              - TotalRawHdfsOpenFileTime(*): 0.000ns
      E              - TotalRawHdfsReadTime(*): 7.999ms
      E              - TotalReadThroughput: 6.51 MB/sec
      E             Buffer pool:
      E                - AllocTime: 0.000ns
      E                - CumulativeAllocationBytes: 4.25 MB (4456448)
      E                - CumulativeAllocations: 17 (17)
      E                - PeakReservation: 40.00 MB (41943040)
      E                - PeakUnpinnedBytes: 0
      E                - PeakUsedReservation: 4.12 MB (4325376)
      E                - ReadIoBytes: 0
      E                - ReadIoOps: 0 (0)
      E                - ReadIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E                - SystemAllocTime: 0.000ns
      E                - WriteIoBytes: 0
      E                - WriteIoOps: 0 (0)
      E                - WriteIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E           CodeGen:(Total: 71.999ms, non-child: 71.999ms, % non-child: 100.00%)
      E              - CodegenInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 23 (23)
      E              - CodegenTotalWallClockTime: 71.999ms
      E                - CodegenSysTime: 0.000ns
      E                - CodegenUserTime: 64.000ms
      E              - CodegenVoluntaryContextSwitches: 0 (0)
      E              - CompileTime: 3.999ms
      E              - IrGenerationTime: 3.999ms
      E              - LoadTime: 0.000ns
      E              - ModuleBitcodeSize: 2.44 MB (2558836)
      E              - NumFunctions: 16 (16)
      E              - NumInstructions: 262 (262)
      E              - OptimizationTime: 31.999ms
      E              - PeakMemoryUsage: 131.00 KB (134144)
      E              - PrepareTime: 31.999ms
      E         Instance 3b48738ce971e36b:b6f52bf500000003 (host=ip-172-31-20-105:22000):(Total: 63.999ms, non-child: 0.000ns, % non-child: 0.00%)
      E           Last report received time: 2019-10-24 21:22:06.519
      E           Hdfs split stats (<volume id>:<# splits>/<split lengths>): 1:1/55.81 MB
      E           Fragment Instance Lifecycle Event Timeline: 63.999ms
      E              - Prepare Finished: 0.000ns (0.000ns)
      E              - Open Finished: 59.999ms (59.999ms)
      E              - First Batch Produced: 59.999ms (0.000ns)
      E              - First Batch Sent: 59.999ms (0.000ns)
      E              - ExecInternal Finished: 63.999ms (3.999ms)
      E            - AverageThreadTokens: 0.00 
      E            - BloomFilterBytes: 0
      E            - ExchangeScanRatio: 0.00 
      E            - PeakMemoryUsage: 40.04 MB (41981971)
      E            - PeakReservation: 40.00 MB (41943040)
      E            - PeakUsedReservation: 0
      E            - PerHostPeakMemUsage: 40.34 MB (42301240)
      E            - RowsProduced: 0 (0)
      E            - TotalNetworkReceiveTime: 0.000ns
      E            - TotalNetworkSendTime: 3.999ms
      E            - TotalStorageWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E            - TotalThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 26 (26)
      E            - TotalThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 63.999ms
      E              - TotalThreadsSysTime: 0.000ns
      E              - TotalThreadsUserTime: 56.000ms
      E            - TotalThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 6 (6)
      E           Buffer pool:
      E              - AllocTime: 0.000ns
      E              - CumulativeAllocationBytes: 0
      E              - CumulativeAllocations: 0 (0)
      E              - PeakReservation: 0
      E              - PeakUnpinnedBytes: 0
      E              - PeakUsedReservation: 0
      E              - ReadIoBytes: 0
      E              - ReadIoOps: 0 (0)
      E              - ReadIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E              - ReservationLimit: 0
      E              - SystemAllocTime: 0.000ns
      E              - WriteIoBytes: 0
      E              - WriteIoOps: 0 (0)
      E              - WriteIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E           Fragment Instance Lifecycle Timings:
      E              - ExecTime: 3.999ms
      E                - ExecTreeExecTime: 0.000ns
      E              - OpenTime: 59.999ms
      E                - ExecTreeOpenTime: 0.000ns
      E              - PrepareTime: 0.000ns
      E                - ExecTreePrepareTime: 0.000ns
      E           KrpcDataStreamSender (dst_id=1):(Total: 3.999ms, non-child: 0.000ns, % non-child: 0.00%)
      E             ExecOption: Unpartitioned Sender Codegen Disabled: not needed
      E              - NetworkThroughput: 0.00 /sec (Number of samples: 0)
      E              - EosSent: 1 (1)
      E              - PeakMemoryUsage: 824.00 B (824)
      E              - RowsSent: 0 (0)
      E              - RpcFailure: 0 (0)
      E              - RpcRetry: 0 (0)
      E              - SerializeBatchTime: 0.000ns
      E              - TotalBytesSent: 0
      E              - UncompressedRowBatchSize: 0
      E           HDFS_SCAN_NODE (id=0):
      E             Hdfs split stats (<volume id>:<# splits>/<split lengths>): 1:1/55.81 MB
      E             ExecOption: PARQUET Codegen Enabled, Codegen enabled: 1 out of 1
      E             Hdfs Read Thread Concurrency Bucket: 0:0% 1:0% 2:0% 3:0% 4:0% 5:0% 6:0% 7:0%
      E             File Formats: PARQUET/NONE:1
      E             Node Lifecycle Event Timeline: 63.999ms
      E                - Open Started: 59.999ms (59.999ms)
      E                - Open Finished: 59.999ms (0.000ns)
      E                - First Batch Requested: 59.999ms (0.000ns)
      E                - First Batch Returned: 59.999ms (0.000ns)
      E                - Last Batch Returned: 59.999ms (0.000ns)
      E                - Closed: 63.999ms (3.999ms)
      E              - FooterProcessingTime: (Avg: 0.000ns ; Min: 0.000ns ; Max: 0.000ns ; Number of samples: 1)
      E              - InitialRangeActualReservation: (Avg: 40.00 MB (41943040) ; Min: 40.00 MB (41943040) ; Max: 40.00 MB (41943040) ; Number of samples: 1)
      E              - InitialRangeIdealReservation: (Avg: 128.00 KB (131072) ; Min: 128.00 KB (131072) ; Max: 128.00 KB (131072) ; Number of samples: 1)
      E              - PageIndexProcessingTime: 0.000ns (Number of samples: 0)
      E              - ParquetCompressedBytesReadPerColumn: 0 (Number of samples: 0)
      E              - ParquetCompressedPageSize: 0 (Number of samples: 0)
      E              - ParquetRowGroupActualReservation: 0 (Number of samples: 0)
      E              - ParquetRowGroupIdealReservation: 0 (Number of samples: 0)
      E              - ParquetUncompressedBytesReadPerColumn: 0 (Number of samples: 0)
      E              - ParquetUncompressedPageSize: 0 (Number of samples: 0)
      E              - AverageHdfsReadThreadConcurrency: 0.00 
      E              - AverageScannerThreadConcurrency: 0.00 
      E              - BytesRead: 100.00 KB (102400)
      E              - BytesReadDataNodeCache: 0
      E              - BytesReadLocal: 100.00 KB (102400)
      E              - BytesReadRemoteUnexpected: 0
      E              - BytesReadShortCircuit: 100.00 KB (102400)
      E              - CachedFileHandlesHitCount: 1 (1)
      E              - CachedFileHandlesMissCount: 0 (0)
      E              - CollectionItemsRead: 0 (0)
      E              - DataCacheHitBytes: 0
      E              - DataCacheHitCount: 0 (0)
      E              - DataCacheMissBytes: 0
      E              - DataCacheMissCount: 0 (0)
      E              - DataCachePartialHitCount: 0 (0)
      E              - DecompressionTime: 0.000ns
      E              - MaterializeTupleTime(*): 0.000ns
      E              - MaxCompressedTextFileLength: 0
      E              - NumColumns: 16 (16)
      E              - NumDictFilteredRowGroups: 0 (0)
      E              - NumDisksAccessed: 1 (1)
      E              - NumPages: 0 (0)
      E              - NumRowGroups: 1 (1)
      E              - NumRowGroupsWithPageIndex: 1 (1)
      E              - NumScannerThreadMemUnavailable: 0 (0)
      E              - NumScannerThreadReservationsDenied: 0 (0)
      E              - NumScannerThreadsStarted: 1 (1)
      E              - NumScannersWithNoReads: 0 (0)
      E              - NumStatsFilteredPages: 0 (0)
      E              - NumStatsFilteredRowGroups: 1 (1)
      E              - PeakMemoryUsage: 40.03 MB (41971712)
      E              - PeakScannerThreadConcurrency: 1 (1)
      E              - PerReadThreadRawHdfsThroughput: 0.00 /sec
      E              - RemoteScanRanges: 0 (0)
      E              - RowBatchBytesEnqueued: 0
      E              - RowBatchQueueGetWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E              - RowBatchQueuePeakMemoryUsage: 16.00 KB (16384)
      E              - RowBatchQueuePutWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E              - RowBatchesEnqueued: 2 (2)
      E              - RowsRead: 0 (0)
      E              - RowsReturned: 0 (0)
      E              - RowsReturnedRate: 0
      E              - ScanRangesComplete: 1 (1)
      E              - ScannerIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E              - ScannerThreadWorklessLoops: 0 (0)
      E              - ScannerThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 0 (0)
      E              - ScannerThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 0.000ns
      E                - ScannerThreadsSysTime: 0.000ns
      E                - ScannerThreadsUserTime: 0.000ns
      E              - ScannerThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 2 (2)
      E              - TotalRawHdfsOpenFileTime(*): 0.000ns
      E              - TotalRawHdfsReadTime(*): 0.000ns
      E              - TotalReadThroughput: 0.00 /sec
      E             Buffer pool:
      E                - AllocTime: 0.000ns
      E                - CumulativeAllocationBytes: 128.00 KB (131072)
      E                - CumulativeAllocations: 1 (1)
      E                - PeakReservation: 40.00 MB (41943040)
      E                - PeakUnpinnedBytes: 0
      E                - PeakUsedReservation: 128.00 KB (131072)
      E                - ReadIoBytes: 0
      E                - ReadIoOps: 0 (0)
      E                - ReadIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E                - SystemAllocTime: 0.000ns
      E                - WriteIoBytes: 0
      E                - WriteIoOps: 0 (0)
      E                - WriteIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E           CodeGen:(Total: 59.999ms, non-child: 59.999ms, % non-child: 100.00%)
      E              - CodegenInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 26 (26)
      E              - CodegenTotalWallClockTime: 59.999ms
      E                - CodegenSysTime: 0.000ns
      E                - CodegenUserTime: 52.000ms
      E              - CodegenVoluntaryContextSwitches: 0 (0)
      E              - CompileTime: 3.999ms
      E              - IrGenerationTime: 0.000ns
      E              - LoadTime: 0.000ns
      E              - ModuleBitcodeSize: 2.44 MB (2558836)
      E              - NumFunctions: 16 (16)
      E              - NumInstructions: 262 (262)
      E              - OptimizationTime: 27.999ms
      E              - PeakMemoryUsage: 131.00 KB (134144)
      E              - PrepareTime: 23.999ms
      E         Instance 3b48738ce971e36b:b6f52bf500000002 (host=ip-172-31-20-105:22001):(Total: 59.999ms, non-child: 0.000ns, % non-child: 0.00%)
      E           Last report received time: 2019-10-24 21:22:06.376
      E           Hdfs split stats (<volume id>:<# splits>/<split lengths>): 1:1/68.94 MB
      E           Fragment Instance Lifecycle Event Timeline: 59.999ms
      E              - Prepare Finished: 0.000ns (0.000ns)
      E              - Open Finished: 55.999ms (55.999ms)
      E              - First Batch Produced: 55.999ms (0.000ns)
      E              - First Batch Sent: 55.999ms (0.000ns)
      E              - ExecInternal Finished: 59.999ms (3.999ms)
      E            - AverageThreadTokens: 0.00 
      E            - BloomFilterBytes: 0
      E            - ExchangeScanRatio: 0.00 
      E            - PeakMemoryUsage: 40.04 MB (41981971)
      E            - PeakReservation: 40.00 MB (41943040)
      E            - PeakUsedReservation: 0
      E            - PerHostPeakMemUsage: 40.14 MB (42086200)
      E            - RowsProduced: 0 (0)
      E            - TotalNetworkReceiveTime: 0.000ns
      E            - TotalNetworkSendTime: 3.999ms
      E            - TotalStorageWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E            - TotalThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 11 (11)
      E            - TotalThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 59.999ms
      E              - TotalThreadsSysTime: 0.000ns
      E              - TotalThreadsUserTime: 56.000ms
      E            - TotalThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 6 (6)
      E           Buffer pool:
      E              - AllocTime: 0.000ns
      E              - CumulativeAllocationBytes: 0
      E              - CumulativeAllocations: 0 (0)
      E              - PeakReservation: 0
      E              - PeakUnpinnedBytes: 0
      E              - PeakUsedReservation: 0
      E              - ReadIoBytes: 0
      E              - ReadIoOps: 0 (0)
      E              - ReadIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E              - ReservationLimit: 0
      E              - SystemAllocTime: 0.000ns
      E              - WriteIoBytes: 0
      E              - WriteIoOps: 0 (0)
      E              - WriteIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E           Fragment Instance Lifecycle Timings:
      E              - ExecTime: 3.999ms
      E                - ExecTreeExecTime: 0.000ns
      E              - OpenTime: 55.999ms
      E                - ExecTreeOpenTime: 0.000ns
      E              - PrepareTime: 0.000ns
      E                - ExecTreePrepareTime: 0.000ns
      E           KrpcDataStreamSender (dst_id=1):(Total: 3.999ms, non-child: 0.000ns, % non-child: 0.00%)
      E             ExecOption: Unpartitioned Sender Codegen Disabled: not needed
      E              - NetworkThroughput: 0.00 /sec (Number of samples: 0)
      E              - EosSent: 1 (1)
      E              - PeakMemoryUsage: 824.00 B (824)
      E              - RowsSent: 0 (0)
      E              - RpcFailure: 0 (0)
      E              - RpcRetry: 0 (0)
      E              - SerializeBatchTime: 0.000ns
      E              - TotalBytesSent: 0
      E              - UncompressedRowBatchSize: 0
      E           HDFS_SCAN_NODE (id=0):
      E             Hdfs split stats (<volume id>:<# splits>/<split lengths>): 1:1/68.94 MB
      E             ExecOption: PARQUET Codegen Enabled, Codegen enabled: 1 out of 1
      E             Hdfs Read Thread Concurrency Bucket: 0:0% 1:0% 2:0% 3:0% 4:0% 5:0% 6:0% 7:0%
      E             File Formats: PARQUET/NONE:1
      E             Node Lifecycle Event Timeline: 59.999ms
      E                - Open Started: 55.999ms (55.999ms)
      E                - Open Finished: 55.999ms (0.000ns)
      E                - First Batch Requested: 55.999ms (0.000ns)
      E                - First Batch Returned: 55.999ms (0.000ns)
      E                - Last Batch Returned: 55.999ms (0.000ns)
      E                - Closed: 59.999ms (3.999ms)
      E              - FooterProcessingTime: (Avg: 0.000ns ; Min: 0.000ns ; Max: 0.000ns ; Number of samples: 1)
      E              - InitialRangeActualReservation: (Avg: 40.00 MB (41943040) ; Min: 40.00 MB (41943040) ; Max: 40.00 MB (41943040) ; Number of samples: 1)
      E              - InitialRangeIdealReservation: (Avg: 128.00 KB (131072) ; Min: 128.00 KB (131072) ; Max: 128.00 KB (131072) ; Number of samples: 1)
      E              - PageIndexProcessingTime: 0.000ns (Number of samples: 0)
      E              - ParquetCompressedBytesReadPerColumn: 0 (Number of samples: 0)
      E              - ParquetCompressedPageSize: 0 (Number of samples: 0)
      E              - ParquetRowGroupActualReservation: 0 (Number of samples: 0)
      E              - ParquetRowGroupIdealReservation: 0 (Number of samples: 0)
      E              - ParquetUncompressedBytesReadPerColumn: 0 (Number of samples: 0)
      E              - ParquetUncompressedPageSize: 0 (Number of samples: 0)
      E              - AverageHdfsReadThreadConcurrency: 0.00 
      E              - AverageScannerThreadConcurrency: 0.00 
      E              - BytesRead: 100.00 KB (102400)
      E              - BytesReadDataNodeCache: 0
      E              - BytesReadLocal: 100.00 KB (102400)
      E              - BytesReadRemoteUnexpected: 0
      E              - BytesReadShortCircuit: 100.00 KB (102400)
      E              - CachedFileHandlesHitCount: 1 (1)
      E              - CachedFileHandlesMissCount: 0 (0)
      E              - CollectionItemsRead: 0 (0)
      E              - DataCacheHitBytes: 0
      E              - DataCacheHitCount: 0 (0)
      E              - DataCacheMissBytes: 0
      E              - DataCacheMissCount: 0 (0)
      E              - DataCachePartialHitCount: 0 (0)
      E              - DecompressionTime: 0.000ns
      E              - MaterializeTupleTime(*): 0.000ns
      E              - MaxCompressedTextFileLength: 0
      E              - NumColumns: 16 (16)
      E              - NumDictFilteredRowGroups: 0 (0)
      E              - NumDisksAccessed: 1 (1)
      E              - NumPages: 0 (0)
      E              - NumRowGroups: 1 (1)
      E              - NumRowGroupsWithPageIndex: 1 (1)
      E              - NumScannerThreadMemUnavailable: 0 (0)
      E              - NumScannerThreadReservationsDenied: 0 (0)
      E              - NumScannerThreadsStarted: 1 (1)
      E              - NumScannersWithNoReads: 0 (0)
      E              - NumStatsFilteredPages: 0 (0)
      E              - NumStatsFilteredRowGroups: 1 (1)
      E              - PeakMemoryUsage: 40.03 MB (41971712)
      E              - PeakScannerThreadConcurrency: 1 (1)
      E              - PerReadThreadRawHdfsThroughput: 0.00 /sec
      E              - RemoteScanRanges: 0 (0)
      E              - RowBatchBytesEnqueued: 0
      E              - RowBatchQueueGetWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E              - RowBatchQueuePeakMemoryUsage: 16.00 KB (16384)
      E              - RowBatchQueuePutWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E              - RowBatchesEnqueued: 2 (2)
      E              - RowsRead: 0 (0)
      E              - RowsReturned: 0 (0)
      E              - RowsReturnedRate: 0
      E              - ScanRangesComplete: 1 (1)
      E              - ScannerIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E              - ScannerThreadWorklessLoops: 0 (0)
      E              - ScannerThreadsInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 0 (0)
      E              - ScannerThreadsTotalWallClockTime: 0.000ns
      E                - ScannerThreadsSysTime: 0.000ns
      E                - ScannerThreadsUserTime: 0.000ns
      E              - ScannerThreadsVoluntaryContextSwitches: 2 (2)
      E              - TotalRawHdfsOpenFileTime(*): 0.000ns
      E              - TotalRawHdfsReadTime(*): 0.000ns
      E              - TotalReadThroughput: 0.00 /sec
      E             Buffer pool:
      E                - AllocTime: 0.000ns
      E                - CumulativeAllocationBytes: 128.00 KB (131072)
      E                - CumulativeAllocations: 1 (1)
      E                - PeakReservation: 40.00 MB (41943040)
      E                - PeakUnpinnedBytes: 0
      E                - PeakUsedReservation: 128.00 KB (131072)
      E                - ReadIoBytes: 0
      E                - ReadIoOps: 0 (0)
      E                - ReadIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E                - SystemAllocTime: 0.000ns
      E                - WriteIoBytes: 0
      E                - WriteIoOps: 0 (0)
      E                - WriteIoWaitTime: 0.000ns
      E           CodeGen:(Total: 55.999ms, non-child: 55.999ms, % non-child: 100.00%)
      E              - CodegenInvoluntaryContextSwitches: 11 (11)
      E              - CodegenTotalWallClockTime: 55.999ms
      E                - CodegenSysTime: 0.000ns
      E                - CodegenUserTime: 52.000ms
      E              - CodegenVoluntaryContextSwitches: 0 (0)
      E              - CompileTime: 3.999ms
      E              - IrGenerationTime: 3.999ms
      E              - LoadTime: 0.000ns
      E              - ModuleBitcodeSize: 2.44 MB (2558836)
      E              - NumFunctions: 16 (16)
      E              - NumInstructions: 262 (262)
      E              - OptimizationTime: 27.999ms
      E              - PeakMemoryUsage: 131.00 KB (134144)
      E              - PrepareTime: 19.999ms
      Standard Error
      SET client_identifier=query_test/test_scanners.py::TestScannerReservation::()::test_scanners[protocol:beeswax|exec_option:{'batch_size':0;'num_nodes':0;'disable_codegen_rows_threshold':0;'disable_codegen':False;'abort_on_error':1;'exec_single_node_rows_threshold':0}|table_form;
      -- connecting to: localhost:21000
      -- connecting to localhost:21050 with impyla
      -- 2019-10-24 21:22:05,050 INFO     MainThread: Closing active operation
      SET client_identifier=query_test/test_scanners.py::TestScannerReservation::()::test_scanners[protocol:beeswax|exec_option:{'batch_size':0;'num_nodes':0;'disable_codegen_rows_threshold':0;'disable_codegen':False;'abort_on_error':1;'exec_single_node_rows_threshold':0}|table_form;
      -- executing against localhost:21000
      use functional;
      -- 2019-10-24 21:22:05,075 INFO     MainThread: Started query e248ba275ba5e355:da835d2600000000
      SET client_identifier=query_test/test_scanners.py::TestScannerReservation::()::test_scanners[protocol:beeswax|exec_option:{'batch_size':0;'num_nodes':0;'disable_codegen_rows_threshold':0;'disable_codegen':False;'abort_on_error':1;'exec_single_node_rows_threshold':0}|table_form;
      SET batch_size=0;
      SET num_nodes=0;
      SET disable_codegen_rows_threshold=0;
      SET disable_codegen=False;
      SET abort_on_error=1;
      SET exec_single_node_rows_threshold=0;
      -- 2019-10-24 21:22:05,079 INFO     MainThread: Starting new HTTP connection (1): localhost
      -- executing against localhost:21000
      select count(*)
      from tpch.customer;
      -- 2019-10-24 21:22:05,133 INFO     MainThread: Started query c0407fb4abe5cb79:01382c3c00000000
      -- executing against localhost:21000
      set debug_action="-1:OPEN:SET_DENY_RESERVATION_PROBABILITY@1.0";
      -- 2019-10-24 21:22:05,314 INFO     MainThread: Started query 3740903b380750d4:c3b6d70b00000000
      -- executing against localhost:21000
      select count(*)
      from tpch.customer;
      -- 2019-10-24 21:22:05,323 INFO     MainThread: Started query 864d954f4cba7551:623d121e00000000
      -- executing against localhost:21000
      -- 2019-10-24 21:22:05,507 INFO     MainThread: Started query 5c4793e99d8d83c0:8fd8853800000000
      -- executing against localhost:21000
      select min(l_comment)
      from tpch_parquet.lineitem;
      -- 2019-10-24 21:22:05,517 INFO     MainThread: Started query 0047aea945d7eab9:a2099f5900000000
      -- executing against localhost:21000
      set debug_action="-1:OPEN:SET_DENY_RESERVATION_PROBABILITY@1.0";
      -- 2019-10-24 21:22:05,906 INFO     MainThread: Started query b943762af9702dd4:a30c282600000000
      -- executing against localhost:21000
      select min(l_comment)
      from tpch_parquet.lineitem;
      -- 2019-10-24 21:22:05,914 INFO     MainThread: Started query 864966e3a973691f:0a495e4600000000
      -- executing against localhost:21000
      -- 2019-10-24 21:22:06,301 INFO     MainThread: Started query ff43c88b7ebaf930:469f3bf600000000
      -- executing against localhost:21000
      select * from tpch_parquet.lineitem
      where l_orderkey < 10;

      The actual amount was:
      ParquetRowGroupIdealReservation: (Avg: 4.12 MB (4325376) ; Min: 4.12 MB (4325376) ; Max: 4.12 MB (4325376) ; Number of samples: 1)

      Compared to my system, the files sizes are pretty similar:

         HDFS partitions=1/1 files=3 size=193.99MB


      E      HDFS partitions=1/1 files=3 size=193.97MB

      I think the file layout must just be slightly different.


        Issue Links



              boroknagyz Zoltán Borók-Nagy
              tarmstrong Tim Armstrong
              0 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue

