Uploaded image for project: 'IMPALA'
  2. IMPALA-4124

test_exchange_delays.py failed on Isilon due to "'list' object has no attribute 'strip'"



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • Impala 2.8.0
    • None
    • Infrastructure


      Tim, I picked you since you touched test_exchange_delays.py last. Feel free to re-assign.

      Failed build:

      There are two issues:

      • It looks like the test query ran successfully, but an exception was expected.
      • There is an issue impala_test_suite.py that does not properly report the reason for the test failure (expected exception, but encountered success)

      Relevant snipped from Jenkins console:

      03:20:49.019 custom_cluster/test_admission_controller.py ......
      03:20:49.019 custom_cluster/test_alloc_fail.py ..
      03:20:49.019 custom_cluster/test_breakpad.py sssssss
      03:20:49.019 custom_cluster/test_client_ssl.py ..x
      03:20:49.019 custom_cluster/test_delegation.py ...
      03:20:49.019 custom_cluster/test_exchange_delays.py FF
      03:20:49.019 custom_cluster/test_hdfs_fd_caching.py .
      03:20:49.019 custom_cluster/test_hive_parquet_timestamp_conversion.py ..
      03:20:49.019 custom_cluster/test_insert_behaviour.py ..
      03:20:49.019 custom_cluster/test_kudu_not_available.py .
      03:20:49.019 custom_cluster/test_legacy_joins_aggs.py .
      03:20:49.019 custom_cluster/test_parquet_max_page_header.py s
      03:20:49.019 custom_cluster/test_permanent_udfs.py .ss.
      03:20:49.019 custom_cluster/test_query_expiration.py ...
      03:20:49.019 custom_cluster/test_redaction.py ....
      03:20:49.019 custom_cluster/test_rpc_timeout.py sssssss
      03:20:49.019 custom_cluster/test_s3a_access.py ss
      03:20:49.019 custom_cluster/test_scratch_disk.py ....
      03:20:49.019 custom_cluster/test_seq_file_filtering.py .
      03:20:49.019 custom_cluster/test_session_expiration.py .
      03:20:49.019 custom_cluster/test_spilling.py sss.
      03:20:49.019 authorization/test_authorization.py ..
      03:20:49.019 authorization/test_grant_revoke.py .
      03:20:49.019 ../../Impala-auxiliary-tests/tests/aux_custom_cluster_tests/test_ldap.py xxxxx
      03:20:49.019 =================================== FAILURES ===================================
      03:20:49.019  TestExchangeDelays.test_exchange_small_delay[exec_option: {'disable_codegen': False, 'abort_on_error': 1, 'exec_single_node_rows_threshold': 0, 'batch_size': 0, 'num_nodes': 0} | table_format: text/none] 
      03:20:49.019 self = <test_exchange_delays.TestExchangeDelays object at 0x43b2110>
      03:20:49.019 vector = <tests.common.test_vector.TestVector object at 0x4c36750>
      03:20:49.019     @pytest.mark.execute_serially
      03:20:49.019     @CustomClusterTestSuite.with_args("--stress_datastream_recvr_delay_ms=10000"
      03:20:49.019           " --datastream_sender_timeout_ms=5000")
      03:20:49.019     def test_exchange_small_delay(self, vector):
      03:20:49.019       """Test delays in registering data stream receivers where the first one or two
      03:20:49.019         batches will time out before the receiver registers, but subsequent batches will
      03:20:49.019         arrive after the receiver registers. Before IMPALA-2987, this scenario resulted in
      03:20:49.019         incorrect results.
      03:20:49.019         """
      03:20:49.019 >     self.run_test_case('QueryTest/exchange-delays', vector)
      03:20:49.019 custom_cluster/test_exchange_delays.py:39: 
      03:20:49.019 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
      03:20:49.019 self = <test_exchange_delays.TestExchangeDelays object at 0x43b2110>
      03:20:49.019 test_file_name = 'QueryTest/exchange-delays'
      03:20:49.019 vector = <tests.common.test_vector.TestVector object at 0x4c36750>
      03:20:49.019 use_db = None, multiple_impalad = False, encoding = None
      03:20:49.019 wait_secs_between_stmts = None
      03:20:49.019     def run_test_case(self, test_file_name, vector, use_db=None, multiple_impalad=False,
      03:20:49.019         encoding=None, wait_secs_between_stmts=None):
      03:20:49.019       """
      03:20:49.019         Runs the queries in the specified test based on the vector values
      03:20:49.019         Runs the query using targeting the file format/compression specified in the test
      03:20:49.019         vector and the exec options specified in the test vector. If multiple_impalad=True
      03:20:49.019         a connection to a random impalad will be chosen to execute each test section.
      03:20:49.019         Otherwise, the default impalad client will be used.
      03:20:49.019         Additionally, the encoding for all test data can be specified using the 'encoding'
      03:20:49.019         parameter. This is useful when data is ingested in a different encoding (ex.
      03:20:49.019         latin). If not set, the default system encoding will be used.
      03:20:49.019         """
      03:20:49.019       table_format_info = vector.get_value('table_format')
      03:20:49.019       exec_options = vector.get_value('exec_option')
      03:20:49.019       # Resolve the current user's primary group name.
      03:20:49.019       group_id = pwd.getpwnam(getuser()).pw_gid
      03:20:49.019       group_name = grp.getgrgid(group_id).gr_name
      03:20:49.019       target_impalad_clients = list()
      03:20:49.019       if multiple_impalad:
      03:20:49.019         target_impalad_clients =\
      03:20:49.019             map(ImpalaTestSuite.create_impala_client, IMPALAD_HOST_PORT_LIST)
      03:20:49.019       else:
      03:20:49.019         target_impalad_clients = [self.client]
      03:20:49.019       # Change the database to reflect the file_format, compression codec etc, or the
      03:20:49.019       # user specified database for all targeted impalad.
      03:20:49.019       for impalad_client in target_impalad_clients:
      03:20:49.019         ImpalaTestSuite.change_database(impalad_client,
      03:20:49.019             table_format_info, use_db, pytest.config.option.scale_factor)
      03:20:49.019         impalad_client.set_configuration(exec_options)
      03:20:49.019       sections = self.load_query_test_file(self.get_workload(), test_file_name,
      03:20:49.019           encoding=encoding)
      03:20:49.019       for test_section in sections:
      03:20:49.019         if 'SHELL' in test_section:
      03:20:49.019           assert len(test_section) == 1, \
      03:20:49.019             "SHELL test sections can't contain other sections"
      03:20:49.019           cmd = test_section['SHELL']\
      03:20:49.019             .replace('$FILESYSTEM_PREFIX', FILESYSTEM_PREFIX)\
      03:20:49.019             .replace('$IMPALA_HOME', IMPALA_HOME)
      03:20:49.019           if use_db: cmd = cmd.replace('$DATABASE', use_db)
      03:20:49.019           LOG.info("Shell command: " + cmd)
      03:20:49.019           check_call(cmd, shell=True)
      03:20:49.019           continue
      03:20:49.019         if 'QUERY' not in test_section:
      03:20:49.019           assert 0, 'Error in test file %s. Test cases require a -- QUERY section.\n%s' %\
      03:20:49.019               (test_file_name, pprint.pformat(test_section))
      03:20:49.019         if 'SETUP' in test_section:
      03:20:49.019           self.execute_test_case_setup(test_section['SETUP'], table_format_info)
      03:20:49.019         # TODO: support running query tests against different scale factors
      03:20:49.019         query = QueryTestSectionReader.build_query(test_section['QUERY']
      03:20:49.019             .replace('$GROUP_NAME', group_name)
      03:20:49.019             .replace('$IMPALA_HOME', IMPALA_HOME)
      03:20:49.019             .replace('$FILESYSTEM_PREFIX', FILESYSTEM_PREFIX)
      03:20:49.019             .replace('$SECONDARY_FILESYSTEM', os.getenv("SECONDARY_FILESYSTEM") or str()))
      03:20:49.019         if use_db: query = query.replace('$DATABASE', use_db)
      03:20:49.019         if 'QUERY_NAME' in test_section:
      03:20:49.019           LOG.info('Query Name: \n%s\n' % test_section['QUERY_NAME'])
      03:20:49.019         # Support running multiple queries within the same test section, only verifying the
      03:20:49.019         # result of the final query. The main use case is to allow for 'USE database'
      03:20:49.019         # statements before a query executes, but it is not limited to that.
      03:20:49.019         # TODO: consider supporting result verification of all queries in the future
      03:20:49.019         result = None
      03:20:49.019         target_impalad_client = choice(target_impalad_clients)
      03:20:49.019         query_options_changed = []
      03:20:49.019         try:
      03:20:49.019           user = None
      03:20:49.019           if 'USER' in test_section:
      03:20:49.019             # Create a new client so the session will use the new username.
      03:20:49.019             user = test_section['USER'].strip()
      03:20:49.019             target_impalad_client = self.create_impala_client()
      03:20:49.019           for query in query.split(';'):
      03:20:49.019             set_pattern_match = SET_PATTERN.match(query)
      03:20:49.019             if set_pattern_match != None:
      03:20:49.019               query_options_changed.append(set_pattern_match.groups()[0])
      03:20:49.019             result = self.__execute_query(target_impalad_client, query, user=user)
      03:20:49.019             if wait_secs_between_stmts:
      03:20:49.019               time.sleep(wait_secs_between_stmts)
      03:20:49.019         except Exception as e:
      03:20:49.019           if 'CATCH' in test_section:
      03:20:49.019             self.__verify_exceptions(test_section['CATCH'], str(e), use_db)
      03:20:49.019             continue
      03:20:49.019           raise
      03:20:49.019         finally:
      03:20:49.019           if len(query_options_changed) > 0:
      03:20:49.019             self.__restore_query_options(query_options_changed)
      03:20:49.019         if 'CATCH' in test_section:
      03:20:49.019 >         assert test_section['CATCH'].strip() == ''
      03:20:49.019 E         AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'strip'
      03:20:49.019 common/impala_test_suite.py:333: AttributeError
      03:20:49.019 ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup -----------------------------
      03:20:49.019 Starting State Store logging to /data/jenkins/workspace/impala-umbrella-build-and-test-isilon/repos/Impala/logs/custom_cluster_tests/statestored.INFO
      03:20:49.019 Starting Catalog Service logging to /data/jenkins/workspace/impala-umbrella-build-and-test-isilon/repos/Impala/logs/custom_cluster_tests/catalogd.INFO
      03:20:49.019 Starting Impala Daemon logging to /data/jenkins/workspace/impala-umbrella-build-and-test-isilon/repos/Impala/logs/custom_cluster_tests/impalad.INFO
      03:20:49.019 Starting Impala Daemon logging to /data/jenkins/workspace/impala-umbrella-build-and-test-isilon/repos/Impala/logs/custom_cluster_tests/impalad_node1.INFO
      03:20:49.019 Starting Impala Daemon logging to /data/jenkins/workspace/impala-umbrella-build-and-test-isilon/repos/Impala/logs/custom_cluster_tests/impalad_node2.INFO
      03:20:49.019 Waiting for Catalog... Status: 53 DBs / 1070 tables (ready=True)
      03:20:49.019 Waiting for Catalog... Status: 53 DBs / 1070 tables (ready=True)
      03:20:49.019 Waiting for Catalog... Status: 53 DBs / 1070 tables (ready=True)
      03:20:49.019 Impala Cluster Running with 3 nodes.
      03:20:49.019 ---------------------------- Captured stderr setup -----------------------------
      03:20:49.019 MainThread: Found 3 impalad/1 statestored/1 catalogd process(es)
      03:20:49.019 MainThread: Getting num_known_live_backends from impala-boost-static-burst-slave-1fbd.vpc.cloudera.com:25000
      03:20:49.019 MainThread: Waiting for num_known_live_backends=3. Current value: 0
      03:20:49.019 MainThread: Getting num_known_live_backends from impala-boost-static-burst-slave-1fbd.vpc.cloudera.com:25000
      03:20:49.019 MainThread: Waiting for num_known_live_backends=3. Current value: 0
      03:20:49.019 MainThread: Getting num_known_live_backends from impala-boost-static-burst-slave-1fbd.vpc.cloudera.com:25000
      03:20:49.019 MainThread: Waiting for num_known_live_backends=3. Current value: 0
      03:20:49.019 MainThread: Getting num_known_live_backends from impala-boost-static-burst-slave-1fbd.vpc.cloudera.com:25000
      03:20:49.019 MainThread: Waiting for num_known_live_backends=3. Current value: 2
      03:20:49.019 MainThread: Getting num_known_live_backends from impala-boost-static-burst-slave-1fbd.vpc.cloudera.com:25000
      03:20:49.019 MainThread: Waiting for num_known_live_backends=3. Current value: 2
      03:20:49.019 MainThread: Getting num_known_live_backends from impala-boost-static-burst-slave-1fbd.vpc.cloudera.com:25000
      03:20:49.019 MainThread: num_known_live_backends has reached value: 3
      03:20:49.019 MainThread: Getting num_known_live_backends from impala-boost-static-burst-slave-1fbd.vpc.cloudera.com:25001
      03:20:49.019 MainThread: num_known_live_backends has reached value: 3
      03:20:49.019 MainThread: Getting num_known_live_backends from impala-boost-static-burst-slave-1fbd.vpc.cloudera.com:25002
      03:20:49.019 MainThread: num_known_live_backends has reached value: 3
      03:20:49.019 MainThread: Found 3 impalad/1 statestored/1 catalogd process(es)
      03:20:49.019 MainThread: Getting metric: statestore.live-backends from impala-boost-static-burst-slave-1fbd.vpc.cloudera.com:25010
      03:20:49.019 MainThread: Metric 'statestore.live-backends' has reach desired value: 4
      03:20:49.019 MainThread: Getting num_known_live_backends from impala-boost-static-burst-slave-1fbd.vpc.cloudera.com:25000
      03:20:49.019 MainThread: num_known_live_backends has reached value: 3
      03:20:49.019 MainThread: Getting num_known_live_backends from impala-boost-static-burst-slave-1fbd.vpc.cloudera.com:25001
      03:20:49.019 MainThread: num_known_live_backends has reached value: 3
      03:20:49.019 MainThread: Getting num_known_live_backends from impala-boost-static-burst-slave-1fbd.vpc.cloudera.com:25002
      03:20:49.019 MainThread: num_known_live_backends has reached value: 3
      03:20:49.019 -- connecting to: localhost:21000
      03:20:49.019 ----------------------------- Captured stderr call -----------------------------
      03:20:49.019 -- executing against localhost:21000
      03:20:49.019 use functional;
      03:20:49.019 SET disable_codegen=False;
      03:20:49.019 SET abort_on_error=1;
      03:20:49.019 SET exec_single_node_rows_threshold=0;
      03:20:49.019 SET batch_size=0;
      03:20:49.019 SET num_nodes=0;
      03:20:49.019 -- executing against localhost:21000
      03:20:49.019 select count(*)
      03:20:49.019 from tpch.lineitem
      03:20:49.019   inner join tpch.orders on l_orderkey = o_orderkey;
      03:20:49.019  TestExchangeDelays.test_exchange_large_delay[exec_option: {'disable_codegen': False, 'abort_on_error': 1, 'exec_single_node_rows_threshold': 0, 'batch_size': 0, 'num_nodes': 0} | table_format: text/none] 
      03:20:49.019 self = <test_exchange_delays.TestExchangeDelays object at 0x4285910>
      03:20:49.019 vector = <tests.common.test_vector.TestVector object at 0x4c36ad0>
      03:20:49.019     @pytest.mark.execute_serially
      03:20:49.019     @CustomClusterTestSuite.with_args("--stress_datastream_recvr_delay_ms=10000"
      03:20:49.019           " --datastream_sender_timeout_ms=1")
      03:20:49.019     def test_exchange_large_delay(self, vector):
      03:20:49.019       """Test delays in registering data stream receivers where all of the batches sent
      03:20:49.019         will time out before the receiver registers. Before IMPALA-2987, this scenario
      03:20:49.019         resulted in the query hanging.
      03:20:49.019         """
      03:20:49.019 >     self.run_test_case('QueryTest/exchange-delays', vector)
      03:20:49.019 custom_cluster/test_exchange_delays.py:49: 
      03:20:49.019 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
      03:20:49.019 self = <test_exchange_delays.TestExchangeDelays object at 0x4285910>
      03:20:49.019 test_file_name = 'QueryTest/exchange-delays'
      03:20:49.019 vector = <tests.common.test_vector.TestVector object at 0x4c36ad0>
      03:20:49.019 use_db = None, multiple_impalad = False, encoding = None
      03:20:49.019 wait_secs_between_stmts = None
      03:20:49.019     def run_test_case(self, test_file_name, vector, use_db=None, multiple_impalad=False,
      03:20:49.019         encoding=None, wait_secs_between_stmts=None):
      03:20:49.019       """
      03:20:49.019         Runs the queries in the specified test based on the vector values
      03:20:49.019         Runs the query using targeting the file format/compression specified in the test
      03:20:49.019         vector and the exec options specified in the test vector. If multiple_impalad=True
      03:20:49.019         a connection to a random impalad will be chosen to execute each test section.
      03:20:49.019         Otherwise, the default impalad client will be used.
      03:20:49.019         Additionally, the encoding for all test data can be specified using the 'encoding'
      03:20:49.019         parameter. This is useful when data is ingested in a different encoding (ex.
      03:20:49.019         latin). If not set, the default system encoding will be used.
      03:20:49.019         """
      03:20:49.019       table_format_info = vector.get_value('table_format')
      03:20:49.019       exec_options = vector.get_value('exec_option')
      03:20:49.019       # Resolve the current user's primary group name.
      03:20:49.019       group_id = pwd.getpwnam(getuser()).pw_gid
      03:20:49.019       group_name = grp.getgrgid(group_id).gr_name
      03:20:49.019       target_impalad_clients = list()
      03:20:49.019       if multiple_impalad:
      03:20:49.019         target_impalad_clients =\
      03:20:49.019             map(ImpalaTestSuite.create_impala_client, IMPALAD_HOST_PORT_LIST)
      03:20:49.019       else:
      03:20:49.019         target_impalad_clients = [self.client]
      03:20:49.019       # Change the database to reflect the file_format, compression codec etc, or the
      03:20:49.019       # user specified database for all targeted impalad.
      03:20:49.019       for impalad_client in target_impalad_clients:
      03:20:49.019         ImpalaTestSuite.change_database(impalad_client,
      03:20:49.019             table_format_info, use_db, pytest.config.option.scale_factor)
      03:20:49.019         impalad_client.set_configuration(exec_options)
      03:20:49.019       sections = self.load_query_test_file(self.get_workload(), test_file_name,
      03:20:49.019           encoding=encoding)
      03:20:49.019       for test_section in sections:
      03:20:49.019         if 'SHELL' in test_section:
      03:20:49.019           assert len(test_section) == 1, \
      03:20:49.019             "SHELL test sections can't contain other sections"
      03:20:49.019           cmd = test_section['SHELL']\
      03:20:49.019             .replace('$FILESYSTEM_PREFIX', FILESYSTEM_PREFIX)\
      03:20:49.019             .replace('$IMPALA_HOME', IMPALA_HOME)
      03:20:49.019           if use_db: cmd = cmd.replace('$DATABASE', use_db)
      03:20:49.019           LOG.info("Shell command: " + cmd)
      03:20:49.019           check_call(cmd, shell=True)
      03:20:49.019           continue
      03:20:49.019         if 'QUERY' not in test_section:
      03:20:49.019           assert 0, 'Error in test file %s. Test cases require a -- QUERY section.\n%s' %\
      03:20:49.019               (test_file_name, pprint.pformat(test_section))
      03:20:49.019         if 'SETUP' in test_section:
      03:20:49.019           self.execute_test_case_setup(test_section['SETUP'], table_format_info)
      03:20:49.019         # TODO: support running query tests against different scale factors
      03:20:49.019         query = QueryTestSectionReader.build_query(test_section['QUERY']
      03:20:49.019             .replace('$GROUP_NAME', group_name)
      03:20:49.019             .replace('$IMPALA_HOME', IMPALA_HOME)
      03:20:49.019             .replace('$FILESYSTEM_PREFIX', FILESYSTEM_PREFIX)
      03:20:49.019             .replace('$SECONDARY_FILESYSTEM', os.getenv("SECONDARY_FILESYSTEM") or str()))
      03:20:49.019         if use_db: query = query.replace('$DATABASE', use_db)
      03:20:49.019         if 'QUERY_NAME' in test_section:
      03:20:49.019           LOG.info('Query Name: \n%s\n' % test_section['QUERY_NAME'])
      03:20:49.019         # Support running multiple queries within the same test section, only verifying the
      03:20:49.019         # result of the final query. The main use case is to allow for 'USE database'
      03:20:49.019         # statements before a query executes, but it is not limited to that.
      03:20:49.019         # TODO: consider supporting result verification of all queries in the future
      03:20:49.019         result = None
      03:20:49.019         target_impalad_client = choice(target_impalad_clients)
      03:20:49.019         query_options_changed = []
      03:20:49.019         try:
      03:20:49.019           user = None
      03:20:49.019           if 'USER' in test_section:
      03:20:49.019             # Create a new client so the session will use the new username.
      03:20:49.019             user = test_section['USER'].strip()
      03:20:49.019             target_impalad_client = self.create_impala_client()
      03:20:49.019           for query in query.split(';'):
      03:20:49.019             set_pattern_match = SET_PATTERN.match(query)
      03:20:49.019             if set_pattern_match != None:
      03:20:49.019               query_options_changed.append(set_pattern_match.groups()[0])
      03:20:49.019             result = self.__execute_query(target_impalad_client, query, user=user)
      03:20:49.019             if wait_secs_between_stmts:
      03:20:49.019               time.sleep(wait_secs_between_stmts)
      03:20:49.019         except Exception as e:
      03:20:49.019           if 'CATCH' in test_section:
      03:20:49.019             self.__verify_exceptions(test_section['CATCH'], str(e), use_db)
      03:20:49.019             continue
      03:20:49.019           raise
      03:20:49.019         finally:
      03:20:49.019           if len(query_options_changed) > 0:
      03:20:49.019             self.__restore_query_options(query_options_changed)
      03:20:49.019         if 'CATCH' in test_section:
      03:20:49.019 >         assert test_section['CATCH'].strip() == ''
      03:20:49.019 E         AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'strip'
      03:20:49.019 common/impala_test_suite.py:333: AttributeError
      03:20:49.019 ---------------------------- Captured stdout setup -----------------------------




            tarmstrong Tim Armstrong
            alex.behm Alexander Behm
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue

