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  2. IMPALA-3287

S3 : Create table like with S3 source table creates a new table with HDFS as location



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Not A Bug
    • Impala 2.6.0
    • None
    • Backend


      Source table

      [impala-s3-r3-2.vpc.cloudera.com:21000] > describe formatted lineitem;
      Query: describe formatted lineitem
      | name                         | type                                                           | comment              |
      | # col_name                   | data_type                                                      | comment              |
      |                              | NULL                                                           | NULL                 |
      | l_orderkey                   | bigint                                                         | NULL                 |
      | l_partkey                    | bigint                                                         | NULL                 |
      | l_suppkey                    | bigint                                                         | NULL                 |
      | l_linenumber                 | bigint                                                         | NULL                 |
      | l_quantity                   | decimal(12,2)                                                  | NULL                 |
      | l_extendedprice              | decimal(12,2)                                                  | NULL                 |
      | l_discount                   | decimal(12,2)                                                  | NULL                 |
      | l_tax                        | decimal(12,2)                                                  | NULL                 |
      | l_returnflag                 | string                                                         | NULL                 |
      | l_linestatus                 | string                                                         | NULL                 |
      | l_shipdate                   | string                                                         | NULL                 |
      | l_commitdate                 | string                                                         | NULL                 |
      | l_receiptdate                | string                                                         | NULL                 |
      | l_shipinstruct               | string                                                         | NULL                 |
      | l_shipmode                   | string                                                         | NULL                 |
      | l_comment                    | string                                                         | NULL                 |
      |                              | NULL                                                           | NULL                 |
      | # Detailed Table Information | NULL                                                           | NULL                 |
      | Database:                    | tpch_300_parquet_s3                                            | NULL                 |
      | Owner:                       | root                                                           | NULL                 |
      | CreateTime:                  | Wed Mar 23 17:01:32 PDT 2016                                   | NULL                 |
      | LastAccessTime:              | UNKNOWN                                                        | NULL                 |
      | Protect Mode:                | None                                                           | NULL                 |
      | Retention:                   | 0                                                              | NULL                 |
      | Location:                    | s3a://XXXXXXXX/tpch_300_parquet.db/lineitem     | NULL                 |
      | Table Type:                  | EXTERNAL_TABLE                                                 | NULL                 |
      | Table Parameters:            | NULL                                                           | NULL                 |
      |                              | COLUMN_STATS_ACCURATE                                          | true                 |
      |                              | EXTERNAL                                                       | TRUE                 |
      |                              | numFiles                                                       | 0                    |
      |                              | numRows                                                        | 1799989091           |
      |                              | rawDataSize                                                    | -1                   |
      |                              | totalSize                                                      | 0                    |
      |                              | transient_lastDdlTime                                          | 1458944599           |
      |                              | NULL                                                           | NULL                 |
      | # Storage Information        | NULL                                                           | NULL                 |
      | SerDe Library:               | org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.serde.ParquetHiveSerDe    | NULL                 |
      | InputFormat:                 | org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.MapredParquetInputFormat  | NULL                 |
      | OutputFormat:                | org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.MapredParquetOutputFormat | NULL                 |
      | Compressed:                  | No                                                             | NULL                 |
      | Num Buckets:                 | 0                                                              | NULL                 |
      | Bucket Columns:              | []                                                             | NULL                 |
      | Sort Columns:                | []                                                             | NULL                 |


       create table lineitem_s3_parquet like lineitem;

      Created table

      Query: describe formatted lineitem_s3_parquet
      | name                         | type                                                                                                       | comment              |
      | # col_name                   | data_type                                                                                                  | comment              |
      |                              | NULL                                                                                                       | NULL                 |
      | l_orderkey                   | bigint                                                                                                     | NULL                 |
      | l_partkey                    | bigint                                                                                                     | NULL                 |
      | l_suppkey                    | bigint                                                                                                     | NULL                 |
      | l_linenumber                 | bigint                                                                                                     | NULL                 |
      | l_quantity                   | decimal(12,2)                                                                                              | NULL                 |
      | l_extendedprice              | decimal(12,2)                                                                                              | NULL                 |
      | l_discount                   | decimal(12,2)                                                                                              | NULL                 |
      | l_tax                        | decimal(12,2)                                                                                              | NULL                 |
      | l_returnflag                 | string                                                                                                     | NULL                 |
      | l_linestatus                 | string                                                                                                     | NULL                 |
      | l_shipdate                   | string                                                                                                     | NULL                 |
      | l_commitdate                 | string                                                                                                     | NULL                 |
      | l_receiptdate                | string                                                                                                     | NULL                 |
      | l_shipinstruct               | string                                                                                                     | NULL                 |
      | l_shipmode                   | string                                                                                                     | NULL                 |
      | l_comment                    | string                                                                                                     | NULL                 |
      |                              | NULL                                                                                                       | NULL                 |
      | # Detailed Table Information | NULL                                                                                                       | NULL                 |
      | Database:                    | tpch_300_parquet_s3                                                                                        | NULL                 |
      | Owner:                       | root                                                                                                       | NULL                 |
      | CreateTime:                  | Thu Mar 31 13:38:05 PDT 2016                                                                               | NULL                 |
      | LastAccessTime:              | UNKNOWN                                                                                                    | NULL                 |
      | Protect Mode:                | None                                                                                                       | NULL                 |
      | Retention:                   | 0                                                                                                          | NULL                 |
      | Location:                    | hdfs://impala-s3-r3-1.vpc.cloudera.com:8020/user/hive/warehouse/tpch_300_parquet_s3.db/lineitem_s3_parquet | NULL                 |
      | Table Type:                  | MANAGED_TABLE                                                                                              | NULL                 |
      | Table Parameters:            | NULL                                                                                                       | NULL                 |
      |                              | COLUMN_STATS_ACCURATE                                                                                      | true                 |
      |                              | numFiles                                                                                                   | 0                    |
      |                              | numRows                                                                                                    | -1                   |
      |                              | rawDataSize                                                                                                | -1                   |
      |                              | totalSize                                                                                                  | 0                    |
      |                              | transient_lastDdlTime                                                                                      | 1458944599           |
      |                              | NULL                                                                                                       | NULL                 |
      | # Storage Information        | NULL                                                                                                       | NULL                 |
      | SerDe Library:               | org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.serde.ParquetHiveSerDe                                                | NULL                 |
      | InputFormat:                 | org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.MapredParquetInputFormat                                              | NULL                 |
      | OutputFormat:                | org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.parquet.MapredParquetOutputFormat                                             | NULL                 |
      | Compressed:                  | No                                                                                                         | NULL                 |
      | Num Buckets:                 | 0                                                                                                          | NULL                 |
      | Bucket Columns:              | []                                                                                                         | NULL                 |
      | Sort Columns:                | []                                                                                                         | NULL                 |




            sailesh Sailesh Mukil
            mmokhtar Mostafa Mokhtar
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue

