Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Impala 2.2
When Impala is used to compute stats on a partitioned parquet table which was created in hive, the table subsequently becomes unaccessible in Hive and the following error is thrown:
Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException Class not found: com.cloudera.impala.hive.serde.ParquetInputFormat (state=42000,code=40000)
Steps to reproduce:
1. in beeline: >CREATE TABLE sample_partitioned (description STRING, total_emp INT, salary INT) PARTITIONED BY (code string) STORED AS PARQUET; >INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE sample_partitioned PARTITION (code) SELECT idh.description, idh.total_emp, idh.salary, idh.code FROM sample_07 idh; [sample_partitioned is totally usable now] 2. in Impala: > invalidate metadata; compute stats sample_partitioned; [sample_partitioned is still totally usable from impala] 3. in beeline: > select * from sample_partitioned; Error: Error while compiling statement: FAILED: SemanticException Class not found: com.cloudera.impala.hive.serde.ParquetInputFormat (state=42000,code=40000)