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  2. IMPALA-11845

Select STAR with table ref is not resolved correctly on column/row masked views



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Critical
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Impala 4.0.0, Impala 3.4.0, Impala 3.4.1, Impala 4.1.0, Impala 4.2.0, Impala 4.1.1
    • Impala 4.1.2, Impala 4.3.0
    • Security
    • None


      When a catalog view is applied with Ranger column-masking or row-filtering policies, select STAR on it doesn't work if the table ref is used, e.g. this doesn't work:

      select v.* from masked_view v;
      ERROR: IllegalStateException: null

      Note that selecting STAR directly or selecting any columns still work:

      select * from masked_view;
      select c1, c2 from masked_view;

      The stacktrace:

      I0117 10:50:36.894714 21116 jni-util.cc:288] f940f87cdea03526:3c48d0f300000000] java.lang.IllegalStateException 
              at com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState(Preconditions.java:486)
              at org.apache.impala.analysis.Analyzer.resolvePathWithMasking(Analyzer.java:1216)
              at org.apache.impala.analysis.Analyzer.resolvePathWithMasking(Analyzer.java:1177)
              at org.apache.impala.analysis.SelectStmt$SelectAnalyzer.analyzeStarPath(SelectStmt.java:785)
              at org.apache.impala.analysis.SelectStmt$SelectAnalyzer.collectStarExpandedPaths(SelectStmt.java:879)
              at org.apache.impala.analysis.SelectStmt$SelectAnalyzer.analyze(SelectStmt.java:333)
              at org.apache.impala.analysis.SelectStmt$SelectAnalyzer.access$100(SelectStmt.java:280)
              at org.apache.impala.analysis.SelectStmt.analyze(SelectStmt.java:272)
              at org.apache.impala.analysis.AnalysisContext.reAnalyze(AnalysisContext.java:622)
              at org.apache.impala.analysis.AnalysisContext.analyze(AnalysisContext.java:553)
              at org.apache.impala.analysis.AnalysisContext.analyzeAndAuthorize(AnalysisContext.java:468)
              at org.apache.impala.service.Frontend.doCreateExecRequest(Frontend.java:2059)
              at org.apache.impala.service.Frontend.getTExecRequest(Frontend.java:1967)
              at org.apache.impala.service.Frontend.createExecRequest(Frontend.java:1789)
              at org.apache.impala.service.JniFrontend.createExecRequest(JniFrontend.java:164)

      Related code:

      1180   public Path resolvePathWithMasking(List<String> rawPath, PathType pathType,
      1181       TimeTravelSpec timeTravelSpec) throws AnalysisException, TableLoadingException {
      1182     Path resolvedPath = resolvePath(rawPath, pathType, timeTravelSpec);
      1183     // Skip normal resolution cases that don't relate to nested types.
      1184     if (pathType == PathType.TABLE_REF) {
      1185       if (resolvedPath.destTable() != null || !resolvedPath.isRootedAtTuple()) {
      1186         return resolvedPath;
      1187       }
      1188     } else if (pathType == PathType.SLOT_REF) {
      1189       if (!resolvedPath.getMatchedTypes().get(0).isStructType()) {
      1190         return resolvedPath;
      1191       }
      1192     } else if (pathType == PathType.STAR) {
      1193       if (!resolvedPath.destType().isStructType() || !resolvedPath.isRootedAtTuple()) {
      1194         return resolvedPath;
      1195       }
      1196     }
      1197     // In this case, resolvedPath is resolved on a nested column. Check if it's resolved
      1198     // on a table masking view. The root TableRef(table/view) could be at a parent query
      1199     // block (correlated case, e.g. "t.int_array" in query
      1200     // "SELECT ... FROM tbl t, (SELECT * FROM t.int_array) a" roots at "tbl t" which is
      1201     // in the parent block), so we should find the parent block first then we can find
      1202     // the root TableRef.
      1203     TupleId rootTupleId = resolvedPath.getRootDesc().getId();
      1204     Analyzer parentAnalyzer = findAnalyzer(rootTupleId);
      1205     TableRef rootTblRef = parentAnalyzer.getTableRef(rootTupleId);
      1206     Preconditions.checkNotNull(rootTblRef);
      1207     if (!rootTblRef.isTableMaskingView()) return resolvedPath;
      1208     // resolvedPath is resolved on a nested column of a table masking view. The view
      1209     // won't produce results of nested columns. It just exposes the nested columns of the
      1210     // underlying BaseTableRef in the fields of its output type. (See more in
      1211     // InlineViewRef#createTupleDescriptor()). We need to resolve 'rawPath' inside the
      1212     // view as if the underlying table is not masked. So the resolved path can point to
      1213     // the real table and be used to create materialized slot in the TupleDescriptor of
      1214     // the real table.
      1215     InlineViewRef tableMaskingView = (InlineViewRef) rootTblRef;
      1216     Preconditions.checkState(
      1217         tableMaskingView.getUnMaskedTableRef() instanceof BaseTableRef);
      1218     // Resolve rawPath inside the table masking view to point to the real table.
      1219     Path maskedPath = tableMaskingView.inlineViewAnalyzer_.resolvePath(
      1220         rawPath, pathType, timeTravelSpec);
      1221     maskedPath.setPathBeforeMasking(resolvedPath);
      1222     return maskedPath;
      1223   }


      The 'pathType' is STAR and the 'rawPath' is the view ref. It's not a nested struct column so should be handled in the if-branches at the begining.


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              stigahuang Quanlong Huang
              stigahuang Quanlong Huang
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