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  2. IGNITE-9856

Update documentation for control.sh --cache list



    • Improvement
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • None
    • control.sh, documentation
    • None
    • Docs Required


      Documentation for option --cache list in control.sh must be updated.

      As reference could be used help message:

      Control utility [ver. 2.7.0-SNAPSHOT#19700101-sha1:DEV]
      2018 Copyright(C) Apache Software Foundation
      User: santonov
        The '--cache subcommand' is used to get information about and perform actions with caches. The command has the following syntax:
        control.sh [--host HOST_OR_IP] [--port PORT] [--user USER] [--password PASSWORD] [--ping-interval PING_INTERVAL] [--ping-timeout PING_TIMEOUT] --cache[subcommand] <subcommand_parameters>
        The subcommands that take [nodeId] as an argument ('list', 'contention' and 'validate_indexes') will be executed on the given node or on all server nodes if the option is not specified. Other commands will run on a random server node.
        --cache list regexPattern [groups|seq] [nodeId] [--config] [--output-format multi-line]
          Show information about caches, groups or sequences that match a regular expression. When executed without parameters, this subcommand prints the list of caches.
            --config                    - print a all configuration parameters for each cache.
            --output-format multi-line  - print configuration parameters per line. This option has effect only when used with --config and without [groups|seq].
        --cache contention minQueueSize [nodeId] [maxPrint]
          Show the keys that are point of contention for multiple transactions.
        --cache idle_verify [--dump] [--skipZeros] [cache1,...,cacheN]
          Verify counters and hash sums of primary and backup partitions for the specified caches on an idle cluster and print out the differences, if any.
        --cache validate_indexes [cache1,...,cacheN] [nodeId] [checkFirst N|checkThrough K]
          Validate indexes on an idle cluster and print out the keys that are missing in the indexes.
            checkFirst N    - validate only the first N keys
            checkThrough K  - validate every Kth key
        --cache distribution nodeId|null [cacheName1,...,cacheNameN] [--user-attributes attName1,...,attrNameN]
          Prints the information about partition distribution.
        --cache reset_lost_partitions cacheName1,...,cacheNameN
          Reset the state of lost partitions for the specified caches.

      And output example:

      control.sh --cache list .* --config --yes 
      Control utility [ver. 2.7.0-SNAPSHOT#19700101-sha1:DEV]
      2018 Copyright(C) Apache Software Foundation
      User: santonov
      ignite-sys-cache: [name=ignite-sys-cache, grpName=null, mode=REPLICATED, atomicityMode=TRANSACTIONAL, eagerTtl=true, writeSynchronizationMode=FULL_SYNC, invalidate=false, maxConcurrentAsyncOps=500, interceptor=null, dfltLockTimeout=0, affinityCfg=VisorCacheAffinityConfiguration [function=o.a.i.cache.affinity.rendezvous.RendezvousAffinityFunction, mapper=o.a.i.i.processors.cache.GridCacheDefaultAffinityKeyMapper, partitionedBackups=2147483647, partitions=100, exclNeighbors=false], rebalanceCfg=VisorCacheRebalanceConfiguration [mode=SYNC, batchSize=524288, partitionedDelay=0, throttle=0, timeout=10000, batchesPrefetchCnt=2, rebalanceOrder=-2], evictCfg=VisorCacheEvictionConfiguration [plc=null, plcMaxSize=null, filter=null], nearCfg=VisorCacheNearConfiguration [nearEnabled=false, nearStartSize=0, nearEvictPlc=null, nearEvictMaxSize=null], storeCfg=VisorCacheStoreConfiguration [jdbcStore=false, store=null, storeFactory=null, readThrough=false, writeThrough=false, writeBehindEnabled=false, batchSz=512, flushFreq=5000, flushSz=10240, flushThreadCnt=1, storeKeepBinary=false, writeBehindCoalescing=true], statisticsEnabled=false, mgmtEnabled=false, ldrFactory=null, writerFactory=null, expiryPlcFactory=javax.cache.configuration.FactoryBuilder$SingletonFactory, qryCfg=VisorQueryConfiguration [longQryWarnTimeout=3000, sqlEscapeAll=false, sqlSchema=null], sys=true, storeKeepBinary=false, onheapCache=false, partLossPlc=IGNORE, qryParallelism=1, cpOnRead=false, evictFilter=null, lsnrConfigurations=null, loadPrevVal=false, dataRegName=sysMemPlc, sqlIdxMaxInlineSize=-1, nodeFilter=o.a.i.configuration.CacheConfiguration$IgniteAllNodesPredicate, qryDetailMetricsSz=0, readFromBackup=true, tmLookupClsName=null, topValidator=null, dynamicDeploymentId=9c006b78661-9b2db72f-c752-4adc-9f7a-bee32c8d86da] mapped=100
      default: [name=default, grpName=null, mode=PARTITIONED, atomicityMode=ATOMIC, eagerTtl=true, writeSynchronizationMode=PRIMARY_SYNC, invalidate=false, maxConcurrentAsyncOps=500, interceptor=null, dfltLockTimeout=0, affinityCfg=VisorCacheAffinityConfiguration [function=o.a.i.cache.affinity.rendezvous.RendezvousAffinityFunction, mapper=o.a.i.i.processors.cache.CacheDefaultBinaryAffinityKeyMapper, partitionedBackups=1, partitions=32, exclNeighbors=false], rebalanceCfg=VisorCacheRebalanceConfiguration [mode=ASYNC, batchSize=524288, partitionedDelay=0, throttle=0, timeout=10000, batchesPrefetchCnt=2, rebalanceOrder=0], evictCfg=VisorCacheEvictionConfiguration [plc=null, plcMaxSize=null, filter=null], nearCfg=VisorCacheNearConfiguration [nearEnabled=false, nearStartSize=0, nearEvictPlc=null, nearEvictMaxSize=null], storeCfg=VisorCacheStoreConfiguration [jdbcStore=false, store=null, storeFactory=null, readThrough=false, writeThrough=false, writeBehindEnabled=false, batchSz=512, flushFreq=5000, flushSz=10240, flushThreadCnt=1, storeKeepBinary=false, writeBehindCoalescing=true], statisticsEnabled=false, mgmtEnabled=false, ldrFactory=null, writerFactory=null, expiryPlcFactory=javax.cache.configuration.FactoryBuilder$SingletonFactory, qryCfg=VisorQueryConfiguration [longQryWarnTimeout=3000, sqlEscapeAll=false, sqlSchema=null], sys=false, storeKeepBinary=false, onheapCache=false, partLossPlc=IGNORE, qryParallelism=1, cpOnRead=true, evictFilter=null, lsnrConfigurations=null, loadPrevVal=false, dataRegName=null, sqlIdxMaxInlineSize=-1, nodeFilter=o.a.i.configuration.CacheConfiguration$IgniteAllNodesPredicate, qryDetailMetricsSz=0, readFromBackup=true, tmLookupClsName=null, topValidator=null, dynamicDeploymentId=ed006b78661-9b2db72f-c752-4adc-9f7a-bee32c8d86da] mapped=32

      Output example with --output-format multi-line option:

      control.sh --cache list .* --config --output-format multi-line --yes 
      Control utility [ver. 2.7.0-SNAPSHOT#19700101-sha1:DEV]
      2018 Copyright(C) Apache Software Foundation
      User: santonov
      [cache = 'ignite-sys-cache']
      Name: ignite-sys-cache
      Group: null
      Dynamic Deployment ID: 05439a78661-400893df-7c2f-4d1c-a657-276ab6b3bd2a
      System: true
      Mode: REPLICATED
      Atomicity Mode: TRANSACTIONAL
      Statistic Enabled: false
      Management Enabled: false
      On-heap cache enabled: false
      Partition Loss Policy: IGNORE
      Query Parallelism: 1
      Copy On Read: false
      Listener Configurations: null
      Load Previous Value: false
      Memory Policy Name: sysMemPlc
      Node Filter: o.a.i.configuration.CacheConfiguration$IgniteAllNodesPredicate
      Read From Backup: true
      Topology Validator: null
      Time To Live Eager Flag: true
      Write Synchronization Mode: FULL_SYNC
      Invalidate: false
      Affinity Function: o.a.i.cache.affinity.rendezvous.RendezvousAffinityFunction
      Affinity Backups: 2147483647
      Affinity Partitions: 100
      Affinity Exclude Neighbors: false
      Affinity Mapper: o.a.i.i.processors.cache.GridCacheDefaultAffinityKeyMapper
      Rebalance Mode: SYNC
      Rebalance Batch Size: 524288
      Rebalance Timeout: 10000
      Rebalance Delay: 0
      Time Between Rebalance Messages: 0
      Rebalance Batches Count: 2
      Rebalance Cache Order: -2
      Eviction Policy Enabled: false
      Eviction Policy Factory: null
      Eviction Policy Max Size: null
      Eviction Filter: null
      Near Cache Enabled: false
      Near Start Size: 0
      Near Eviction Policy Factory: null
      Near Eviction Policy Max Size: null
      Default Lock Timeout: 0
      Query Entities: []
      Cache Interceptor: null
      Store Enabled: false
      Store Class: null
      Store Factory Class: null
      Store Keep Binary: false
      Store Read Through: false
      Store Write Through: false
      Store Write Coalescing: true
      Write-Behind Enabled: false
      Write-Behind Flush Size: 10240
      Write-Behind Frequency: 5000
      Write-Behind Flush Threads Count: 1
      Write-Behind Batch Size: 512
      Concurrent Asynchronous Operations Number: 500
      Loader Factory Class Name: null
      Writer Factory Class Name: null
      Expiry Policy Factory Class Name: javax.cache.configuration.FactoryBuilder$SingletonFactory
      Query Execution Time Threshold: 3000
      Query Escaped Names: false
      Query SQL Schema: null
      Query SQL functions: null
      Query Indexed Types: null
      Maximum payload size for offheap indexes: -1
      Query Metrics History Size: 0
      Mapped: 100
      [cache = 'default']
      Name: default
      Group: null
      Dynamic Deployment ID: 56439a78661-400893df-7c2f-4d1c-a657-276ab6b3bd2a
      System: false
      Atomicity Mode: ATOMIC
      Statistic Enabled: false
      Management Enabled: false
      On-heap cache enabled: false
      Partition Loss Policy: IGNORE
      Query Parallelism: 1
      Copy On Read: true
      Listener Configurations: null
      Load Previous Value: false
      Memory Policy Name: null
      Node Filter: o.a.i.configuration.CacheConfiguration$IgniteAllNodesPredicate
      Read From Backup: true
      Topology Validator: null
      Time To Live Eager Flag: true
      Write Synchronization Mode: PRIMARY_SYNC
      Invalidate: false
      Affinity Function: o.a.i.cache.affinity.rendezvous.RendezvousAffinityFunction
      Affinity Backups: 1
      Affinity Partitions: 32
      Affinity Exclude Neighbors: false
      Affinity Mapper: o.a.i.i.processors.cache.CacheDefaultBinaryAffinityKeyMapper
      Rebalance Mode: ASYNC
      Rebalance Batch Size: 524288
      Rebalance Timeout: 10000
      Rebalance Delay: 0
      Time Between Rebalance Messages: 0
      Rebalance Batches Count: 2
      Rebalance Cache Order: 0
      Eviction Policy Enabled: false
      Eviction Policy Factory: null
      Eviction Policy Max Size: null
      Eviction Filter: null
      Near Cache Enabled: false
      Near Start Size: 0
      Near Eviction Policy Factory: null
      Near Eviction Policy Max Size: null
      Default Lock Timeout: 0
      Query Entities: []
      Cache Interceptor: null
      Store Enabled: false
      Store Class: null
      Store Factory Class: null
      Store Keep Binary: false
      Store Read Through: false
      Store Write Through: false
      Store Write Coalescing: true
      Write-Behind Enabled: false
      Write-Behind Flush Size: 10240
      Write-Behind Frequency: 5000
      Write-Behind Flush Threads Count: 1
      Write-Behind Batch Size: 512
      Concurrent Asynchronous Operations Number: 500
      Loader Factory Class Name: null
      Writer Factory Class Name: null
      Expiry Policy Factory Class Name: javax.cache.configuration.FactoryBuilder$SingletonFactory
      Query Execution Time Threshold: 3000
      Query Escaped Names: false
      Query SQL Schema: null
      Query SQL functions: null
      Query Indexed Types: null
      Maximum payload size for offheap indexes: -1
      Query Metrics History Size: 0
      Mapped: 32



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              Artem Budnikov Artem Budnikov
              antonovsergey93 Sergey Antonov
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