Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
In HIVE-21940, a postgres metastore related issue has been fixed, and a local reproduction has been provided.
export QTEST_LEAVE_FILES=true docker kill metastore-test-postgres-install docker rm metastore-test-postgres-install cd standalone-metastore mvn verify -DskipITests=false -Dit.test=ITestPostgres#install -Dtest=nosuch cd .. mvn test -Dtest.output.overwrite=true -Pitests,hadoop-2 -pl itests/qtest -Dtest=TestCliDriver -Dqfile=partition_params_postgres.q -Dhive.metastore.rawstore.impl=org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.ObjectStore
The problem with this solution is that data/conf/hive-site.xml has to be edited manually. My proposal is to introduce a property (-Dmetastore.db=postgres), which can take care of the parameters on the fly. 2 supported solutions could be:
1. simple parameters: -Dmetastore.db=postgres
In this case, tests depend on settings from ITestPostgres class (password, db, etc.)
2. verbose but flexible parameters: see hive-site.xml HIVE-21940's repro patch
In the long term, we should consider running this kind of tests in precommit phase, so maybe -Dmetastore.db=postgres could start metastore db automatically. Also we should consider running some qtests on various metastores. I would not pick randomly, but choose some "metastore-heavy" ones instead.
Issue Links
- causes
HIVE-22645 Jline can break bash terminal behavior
- Closed
- is related to
HIVE-26005 Run selected qtest on different metastore backends
- Open