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  1. Hadoop HDFS
  2. HDFS-5305 Add https support in HDFS
  3. HDFS-5321

Clean up the HTTP-related configuration in HDFS

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    • Sub-task
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 2.4.0
    • None
    • None
    • Incompatible change, Reviewed
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      dfs.http.port and dfs.https.port are removed. Filesystem clients, such as WebHdfsFileSystem, now have fixed instead of configurable default ports (i.e., 50070 for http and 50470 for https).

      Users can explicitly specify the port in the URI to access the file system which runs on non-default ports.
      dfs.http.port and dfs.https.port are removed. Filesystem clients, such as WebHdfsFileSystem, now have fixed instead of configurable default ports (i.e., 50070 for http and 50470 for https). Users can explicitly specify the port in the URI to access the file system which runs on non-default ports.


      Currently there are multiple configuration keys that control the ports that the NameNode and DataNode listen to, and the default ports that the hftp/webhdfs clients are connecting to.

      Below is a quick summary of these configuration:

      Keys Description
      dfs.namenode.http-address The address that the namenode http server binds to
      dfs.namenode.https-address The address that the namenode https server binds to
      dfs.http.port The default port that the hftp/webhdfs client use to connect to the remote server
      dfs.https.port The default port that the hsftp client use to connect to the remote server

      I propose to deprecate dfs.http.port and dfs.https.port to avoid potential confusions (e.g., HDFS-5316). Note that this removes no functionality, since the users can specify ports in hftp / webhdfs URLs when they need to connect to HDFS servers with non-default ports.


        1. HDFS-5321.000.patch
          14 kB
          Haohui Mai
        2. HDFS-5321.001.patch
          15 kB
          Haohui Mai

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            wheat9 Haohui Mai
            wheat9 Haohui Mai
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