When we queried https://host-name:port/jmx?qry=Hadoop:service=NameNode,name=FSNamesystemState earlier today, we received surprising results. Below is a subset of the data. The notable thing here is that the count for opType='*' from user user1 is 66652, but the sum of counts for other optype values by user1 is actually larger: 77253. I'd expect that opType='*' to always be greater than or equal to the sum for individual operation types.
{ "windows": [ { "windowLenMs": 300000, "ops": [ { "totalCount": 24158, "opType": "rpc.complete", "topUsers": [{ "count": 2944, "user": "user1" }] }, { "totalCount": 15921, "opType": "rpc.rename", "topUsers": [{ "count": 2891, "user": "user1" }] }, { "totalCount": 3015834, "opType": "*", "topUsers": [{ "count": 66652, "user": "user1" }] }, { "totalCount": 2086, "opType": "rpc.abandonBlock", "topUsers": [{ "count": 603, "user": "user1" }] }, { "totalCount": 30258, "opType": "rpc.addBlock", "topUsers": [{ "count": 3182, "user": "user1" }] }, { "totalCount": 101440, "opType": "rpc.getServerDefaults", "topUsers": [{ "count": 3521, "user": "user1" }] }, { "totalCount": 25258, "opType": "rpc.create", "topUsers": [{ "count": 1864, "user": "user1" }] }, { "totalCount": 1377563, "opType": "rpc.getFileInfo", "topUsers": [{ "count": 56541, "user": "user1" }] }, { "totalCount": 60836, "opType": "rpc.renewLease", "topUsers": [{ "count": 3783, "user": "user1" }] }, { "totalCount": 182212, "opType": "rpc.getListing", "topUsers": [{ "count": 1848, "user": "user1" }] }, { "totalCount": 380, "opType": "rpc.updateBlockForPipeline", "topUsers": [{ "count": 58, "user": "user1" }] }, { "totalCount": 215, "opType": "rpc.updatePipeline", "topUsers": [{ "count": 18, "user": "user1" }] } ] } ], "timestamp": "2017-07-11T17:20:03+0000" }
The full TopUserOpCounts results from the NNTop endpoint results are attached to this JIRA as nntop.json. The full endpoint output is attached as endpoint.json.
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