ljain has worked on the JIRA: HDFS-13052 to provide the possibility to make DistCP of SnapshotDiff with WebHDFSFileSystem. However, in the patch, there is no modification for the real java class which is used by launching the command "hadoop distcp ..."
You can check in the latest version here:
In the method "preSyncCheck" of the class "DistCpSync", we still check if the file system is DFS.
So I propose to change the class DistCpSync in order to take into consideration what was committed by Lokesh Jain.
Issue Links
- is related to
HADOOP-15777 Add support of getSnapshotDiff for all the FS inherit from FileSystem
- Open
HDFS-13922 Provide support for "hdfs snapshotDiff webhdfs://my_path"
- Open
- relates to
HADOOP-17719 DistCp with snapshot diff should support file systems supporting getSnapshotDiffReport
- Resolved
HDFS-16091 WebHDFS should support getSnapshotDiffReportListing
- Resolved
HDFS-13052 WebHDFS: Add support for snasphot diff
- Resolved
- links to