Check Router Quota and ns Quota:
$ hdfs dfsrouteradmin -ls /ns10t Mount Table Entries: Source Destinations Owner Group Mode Quota/Usage /ns10t ns10->/ns10t hadp hadp rwxr-xr-x [NsQuota: 150/319, SsQuota: -/-] /ns10t/ns1mountpoint ns1->/a/tt hadp hadp rwxr-xr-x [NsQuota: -/-, SsQuota: -/-] $ hdfs dfs -count -q hdfs://ns10/ns10t 150 -155 none inf 3 302 0 hdfs://ns10/ns10t
Update Router Quota:
$ hdfs dfsrouteradmin -setQuota /ns10t -nsQuota 400
Successfully set quota for mount point /ns10t
Check Router Quota and ns Quota:
$ hdfs dfsrouteradmin -ls /ns10t Mount Table Entries: Source Destinations Owner Group Mode Quota/Usage /ns10t ns10->/ns10t hadp hadp rwxr-xr-x [NsQuota: 400/319, SsQuota: -/-] /ns10t/ns1mountpoint ns1->/a/tt hadp hadp rwxr-xr-x [NsQuota: -/-, SsQuota: -/-] $ hdfs dfs -count -q hdfs://ns10/ns10t 150 -155 none inf 3 302 0 hdfs://ns10/ns10t
Now Router Quota has updated successfully, but ns Quota not.
Issue Links
- is related to
HDFS-12934 RBF: Federation supports global quota
- Resolved