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  1. HBase
  2. HBASE-22686

ZkSplitLogWorkerCoordination doesn't allow a regionserver to pick up all of the split work it is capable of



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      A region hosted by a crashed regionserver cannot be reassigned until the crashed regionserver's write-ahead logs have been processed and split into per-region recovered edits files. Reassignment of a region from a crashed server will be held up by the distributed split work backlog. Every regionserver runs a background daemon thread that manages the acquisition and execution of distributed log split tasks. This thread registers a watcher on a znode managed by the master. When the master is processing a server shutdown or crash or cluster restart when it detects the presence of unprocessed WAL files it will register the WAL files for processing under the znode. One or more live regionservers will attempt to get an exclusive lock on an entry. One of them wins, splits the WAL file, deletes the entry, then will acquire more work or go back to sleep if the worklist is empty. A regionserver can acquire at most a fixed number of log split tasks determined by configuration, hbase.regionserver.wal.max.splitters (default 2). If the number of entries/logs to process exceeds the number of available split workers in the cluster, perhaps due to the correlated failure of a significant subset of the fleet, then splitting work will fall behind. Regions may remain in RIT until the backlog is cleared.

      However, the regionserver side coordination logic - ZkSplitLogWorkerCoordination - only allows a regionserver to grab one task one at a time. Nearby javadoc says "This policy puts an upper-limit on the number of simultaneous log splitting that could be happening in a cluster." That upper limit will be the number of currently live regionservers. I don't feel I understand exactly why this is necessary or appropriate because a regionserver can handle more than one task at once and in fact the max number of concurrent split tasks it can accept is configurable.

         * This function calculates how many splitters it could create based on expected average tasks per
         * RS and the hard limit upper bound(maxConcurrentTasks) set by configuration. <br>
         * At any given time, a RS allows spawn MIN(Expected Tasks/RS, Hard Upper Bound)
         * @param numTasks current total number of available tasks
        private int calculateAvailableSplitters(int numTasks) {
          // at lease one RS(itself) available
          int availableRSs = 1;
          try {
            List<String> regionServers =
                ZKUtil.listChildrenNoWatch(watcher, watcher.rsZNode);
            availableRSs = Math.max(availableRSs, (regionServers == null) ? 0 : regionServers.size());
          } catch (KeeperException e) {
            // do nothing
            LOG.debug("getAvailableRegionServers got ZooKeeper exception", e);
          int expectedTasksPerRS = (numTasks / availableRSs) + ((numTasks % availableRSs == 0) ? 0 : 1);
          expectedTasksPerRS = Math.max(1, expectedTasksPerRS); // at least be one
          // calculate how many more splitters we could spawn
          return Math.min(expectedTasksPerRS, maxConcurrentTasks)
              - this.tasksInProgress.get();

      Shouldn't this simply be:

        private int calculateAvailableSplitters() {
          return maxConcurrentTasks - tasksInProgress.get();


      This is branch-1.


        1. HBASE-22686.patch
          6 kB
          Andrew Kyle Purtell
        2. HBASE-22686.patch
          6 kB
          Andrew Kyle Purtell
        3. HBASE-22686.patch
          3 kB
          Andrew Kyle Purtell
        4. HBASE-22686-branch-1.3.patch
          9 kB
          Andrew Kyle Purtell
        5. HBASE-22686-branch-1.3.patch
          9 kB
          Andrew Kyle Purtell
        6. HBASE-22686-branch-1.patch
          6 kB
          Andrew Kyle Purtell
        7. HBASE-22686-branch-1.patch
          6 kB
          Andrew Kyle Purtell
        8. HBASE-22686-branch-1.patch
          3 kB
          Andrew Kyle Purtell

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              apurtell Andrew Kyle Purtell
              apurtell Andrew Kyle Purtell
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