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  1. Hadoop Common
  2. HADOOP-2065

Replication policy for corrupted block

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    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 0.14.1
    • 0.18.0
    • None
    • None
    • Incompatible change
    • Added "corrupt" flag to LocatedBlock to indicate that all replicas of the block thought to be corrupt.


      Thanks to HADOOP-1955, even if one of the replica is corrupted, the block should get replicated from a good replica relatively fast.

      Created this ticket to continue the discussion from http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HADOOP-1955#action_12531162.

      2. Delete corrupted source replica

      3. If all replicas are corrupt, stop replication.

      For (2), it'll be nice if the namenode can delete the corrupted block if there's a good replica on other nodes.

      For (3), I prefer if the namenode can still replicate the block.
      Before 0.14, if the file was corrupted, users were still able to pull the data and decide if they want to delete those files. (HADOOP-2063)
      In 0.14 and later, we cannot/don't replicate these blocks so they eventually get lost.

      To make the matters worse, if the corrupted file is accessed, all the corrupted replicas would be deleted except for one and stay as replication factor of 1 forever.


        1. HADOOP-2065.patch
          9 kB
          Lohit Vijaya Renu
        2. HADOOP-2065-2.patch
          17 kB
          Lohit Vijaya Renu
        3. HADOOP-2065-3.patch
          17 kB
          Lohit Vijaya Renu
        4. HADOOP-2065-4.patch
          20 kB
          Lohit Vijaya Renu
        5. HADOOP-2065-5.patch
          20 kB
          Lohit Vijaya Renu
        6. HADOOP-2065-6.patch
          20 kB
          Lohit Vijaya Renu
        7. HADOOP-2065-7.patch
          21 kB
          Lohit Vijaya Renu

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            lohit Lohit Vijaya Renu
            knoguchi Koji Noguchi
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