The test ITestS3AMiniYarnCluster is failing -the output of the trivial MR job isn't being found.
[ERROR] testWithMiniCluster(org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.yarn.ITestS3AMiniYarnCluster) Time elapsed: 8.309 s <<< ERROR! No such file or directory: s3a://hwdev-steve-ireland-new/test/MiniClusterWordCount/output/part-r-00000
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.yarn.ITestS3AMiniYarnCluster.readStringFromFile(
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.yarn.ITestS3AMiniYarnCluster.testWithMiniCluster(
In trunk, HADOOP-14556 moved this test to the new committers, and the problem doesn't surface.
Thought this was related to S3Guard not on, or the fact that a versioned S3 store was in use (S3 london), but it also arises (at least today) on S3 ireland with s3guard and no versioned store.