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  1. Hadoop Common
  2. HADOOP-10607

Create an API to Separate Credentials/Password Storage from Applications



    • New Feature
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 2.6.0
    • security
    • None


      As with the filesystem API, we need to provide a generic mechanism to support multiple credential storage mechanisms that are potentially from third parties.

      We need the ability to eliminate the storage of passwords and secrets in clear text within configuration files or within code.

      Toward that end, I propose an API that is configured using a list of URLs of CredentialProviders. The implementation will look for implementations using the ServiceLoader interface and thus support third party libraries.

      Two providers will be included in this patch. One using the credentials cache in MapReduce jobs and the other using Java KeyStores from either HDFS or local file system.

      A CredShell CLI will also be included in this patch which provides the ability to manage the credentials within the stores.


        1. 10607.patch
          56 kB
          Larry McCay
        2. 10607-2.patch
          56 kB
          Larry McCay
        3. 10607-3.patch
          56 kB
          Larry McCay
        4. 10607-4.patch
          56 kB
          Larry McCay
        5. 10607-5.patch
          56 kB
          Larry McCay
        6. 10607-6.patch
          60 kB
          Larry McCay
        7. 10607-7.patch
          60 kB
          Larry McCay
        8. 10607-8.patch
          60 kB
          Larry McCay
        9. 10607-9.patch
          60 kB
          Larry McCay
        10. 10607-10.patch
          67 kB
          Larry McCay
        11. 10607-11.patch
          68 kB
          Larry McCay
        12. 10607-12.patch
          69 kB
          Larry McCay
        13. 10607-branch-2.patch
          64 kB
          Larry McCay

        Issue Links



              lmccay Larry McCay
              lmccay Larry McCay
              0 Vote for this issue
              21 Start watching this issue

