When ClientCache.stopClient() is called to stop the IPC client, if the client
is blocked spinning due to a connectivity problem, it does not exit until the policy has timed out -so the stopClient() operation can hang for an extended period of time.
This can surface in the shutdown hook of FileSystem.cache.closeAll()
Also, Client.stop() is for used in NN switch from Standby to Active, and can therefore have very bad consequences and cause downtime.
Issue Links
- breaks
HDFS-5755 Filesystem close blocks SystemExit if a DFS client is trying to talk to a nonexistent NN
- Open
- is duplicated by
HADOOP-15683 Client.setupConnection should not block Client.stop() calls
- Resolved
- is related to
HADOOP-12464 Interrupted client may try to fail-over and retry
- Closed
HADOOP-12950 ShutdownHookManager should have a timeout for each of the Registered shutdown hook
- Resolved