Apache JMeter is a load testing tools aimed at testing different protocols as per:
HTTP/2 is being actively deployed and we need to support it.
The project will have to handle the following items:
- Trial the java libraries that provide HTTP/2 support:
- Jetty client library
- Netty client library
- HC5 client library
- Any other possible option
- The selection criterias will have to take into account:
- Possibility to record protocol
- Performance
- Maintainbility
- Community
- Once the library is chosen the implementation can start and must provide:
- Recording Feature (The component that records from browser and creates the Test Plan) as per this bugzilla
- Sampling (The component that sends the requests to server)
- Listener (The component that receives the sampler results) will have to be modified to handle asynchronous samplers
Backward compatibility must be carefully analyzed and only broken if there is no other possibility.
If you're interested, please contact JMeter dev mailing list (subscribe first):
Philippe M. on behalf of Apache JMeter PMC