Status: Closed
Resolution: Invalid
When using @Grab annotation and loading a jar file that extends classes via extension modules, it appears that it is silently calling zero-arg methods on the extension class.
I've created a test project that shows this issue:
Here's the detail. If I have a class that extends String and also has a zero-arg initialize() method that's meant to be called by the user:
package com.naleid.groovybug; public abstract class StringExtensions { private static String append = null; private StringExtensions() { } public static void initialize() { System.out.println("initialized"); if (append != null) { throw new RuntimeException("Already initialized"); } append = "foo"; } public static String appendFoo(String self) { return self + append; } }
and this in resources so it's registered:
moduleName=string-ext moduleVersion= extensionClasses=com.naleid.groovybug.StringExtensions
If I create a jar out of it, install it in my .m2 directory (linked gradle script does this with ./gradlew install and then run this script:
@Grab('groovybug:groovybug-ext:1.0') import com.naleid.groovybug.StringExtensions assert "bar ".appendFoo() == "bar null" StringExtensions.initialize() assert "bar ".appendFoo() == "bar foo" println "success!"
it fails with
Caught: Assertion failed: assert "bar ".appendFoo() == "bar null" | | bar foo false Assertion failed: assert "bar ".appendFoo() == "bar null" | | bar foo false at
If I remove the @Grab annotation and instead refer to the jar file via the classpath, it works fine:
groovy -classpath ~/.m2/repository/groovybug/groovybug-ext/1.0/groovybug-ext-1.0.jar demoWorking.groovy initialized success!
The linked project demos the issue. Where I hit it in "real life" was using @Grab on a Ratpack application that has a RxRatpack.initialize() method. This method was already called and it was confusing to have this ratpack script fail:
@Grab('io.ratpack:ratpack-rx:1.3.3') import ratpack.rx.RxRatpack RxRatpack.initialize()
The initialize() blows up if it has already been called.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot install RxJava integration because another execution hook (class rx.plugins.RxJavaObservableExecutionHookDefault) is already installed
at ratpack.rx.RxRatpack.initialize(
at ratpack.rx.RxRatpack$ Source)