Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
$ uname -a
Linux auo4ever 5.14.13-desktop-1.mga9 #1 SMP Sun Oct 17 09:53:03 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ java -fullversion
openjdk full version "11.0.6+9-jvmci-19.3-b07"
When compiling with Groovy 3.0.9 the following test-case, I get an error:
$ ./gradlew assemble [ . . . ] startup failed: .../generics-testcase/src/main/groovy/test/GenericsTestCase.groovy: 37: [Static type checking] - Cannot call LC#plus(T) with arguments [LC] @ line 37, column 22. else lineContent += it ^ 1 error [ . . . ]
No errors with previous Groovy compiler.
package test import groovy.transform.CompileStatic @CompileStatic class GenericsTestCase { interface ILineContent<T extends ILineContent> { T plus(T lineContent) } @CompileStatic private static class LineContent implements ILineContent<LineContent> { final BigDecimal sales LineContent(final BigDecimal commission) { this.sales = sales } LineContent() { this.sales = 0.0 } @Override LineContent plus(LineContent lineContent) { if (!lineContent) return this else new LineContent((sales ?: 0.0) + (lineContent.sales ?: 0.0)) } } private static class ClassThatCauseCompilationError<LC extends ILineContent> { List<LC> someLines LC getTotal() { LC lineContent = null for (LC it in someLines) { if (!lineContent) lineContent = it else lineContent += it } lineContent as LC } } }
I attached to this report the Gradle test-case to switch quickly between Groovy compiler releases.
Thanks for your support,