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  1. Flink
  2. FLINK-22328

Failed to send data to Kafka: Producer attempted an operation with an old epoch




      Flink job fails occasionally.Here is the stacktrace:

      org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kafka.FlinkKafkaException: Failed to send data to Kafka: Producer attempted an operation with an old epoch.Either there is a newer producer with the same transactionalId, or the producer's transactioin has been expired by the broker.
          at org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kafka.FlinkKafkaProducer.checkErroneous(FlinkKafkaProducer.java:640)
          at org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kafka.FlinkKafkaProducer.invoke(FlinkKafkaProducer.java:157)
          at org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kafka.FlinkKafkaProducer.invoke(FlinkKafkaProducer.java:81)
          at org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.sink.TwoPhaseCommitSinkFunction.invoke(TwoPhaseCommitSinkFunction.java:235)
          at org.apache.flink.streaming.api.operators.StreamSink.processElement(StreamSink.java:56)
      Caused by:org.apache.kafka.common.errors.ProducerFencedException: Producer attempted an operation with an old epoch.Either there is a newer producer with the same transactionalId, or the producer's transactioin has been expired by the broker.

      The job use FlinkKafkaProducer with EXACTLY_ONCE and deploy on Yarn.

      In the debugging information I found the transactionalId is "Source: Custom Source -> (Process -> Sink: errorMessageToKafka, Sink: etlMultiTopicSink) -03f86923ea4164263684d81917202071-0".

      In kafka server.log,the exception:

      ERROR [ReplicaManager borker=1004] Error processing append on partition ods_source-2 (kafka.server.ReplicaManager)
      org.apache.kafka.common.errors.ProducerFencedExceptioin: Producer's epoch is no longer valid.There is probably another producer with a newer epoch. 158 (request epoch), 159 (server:epoch)

      Here is the log that kafka increase epoch with this transactionalId "Source: Custom Source -> (Process -> Sink: errorMessageToKafka, Sink: etlMultiTopicSink) -03f86923ea4164263684d81917202071-0":

      INFO [TransactionCoordinator id=1003] Initialized transactionalId Source: Custom Source -> (Process -> Sink: errorMessageToKafka, Sink: etlMultiTopicSink) -03f86923ea4164263684d81917202071-0 with producerId 21036 and producer epoch 158 on partition _transaction_state-3 (kafka.coordinator.transaction.TransactionCoordinator)
      INFO [TransactionCoordinator id=1003] Initialized transactionalId Source: Custom Source -> (Process -> Sink: errorMessageToKafka, Sink: etlMultiTopicSink) -03f86923ea4164263684d81917202071-0 with producerId 21036 and producer epoch 160 on partition _transaction_state-3 (kafka.coordinator.transaction.TransactionCoordinator)

      There is no info that record kafka set producer epoch to 159.




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