Status: Open
Not a Priority
Resolution: Unresolved
When recovering from a snapshot (checkpoint/savepoint), FlinkKafkaProducer tries to recommit all pre-committed transactions which are in the snapshot, even if those transactions were successfully committed before (i.e., the call to kafkaProducer.commitTransaction() via notifyCheckpointComplete() returns OK). This may lead to recovery failures when recovering from a very old snapshot because the transactional IDs in that snapshot may have been expired and removed from Kafka. For example the following scenario:
- Start a Flink job with FlinkKafkaProducer sink with exactly-once
- Suspend the Flink job with a savepoint A
- Wait for time longer than +
- Recover the job with savepoint A.
- The recovery will fail with the following error:
2020-02-26 14:33:25,817 INFO org.apache.flink.streaming.connectors.kafka.internal.FlinkKafkaInternalProducer - Attempting to resume transaction Source: Custom Source -> Sink: Unnamed-7df19f87deec5680128845fd9a6ca18d-1 with producerId 2001 and epoch 1202020-02-26 14:33:25,914 INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.Metadata - Cluster ID: RN0aqiOwTUmF5CnHv_IPxA 2020-02-26 14:33:26,017 INFO org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer - [Producer clientId=producer-1, transactionalId=Source: Custom Source -> Sink: Unnamed-7df19f87deec5680128845fd9a6ca18d-1] Closing the Kafka producer with timeoutMillis = 92233720 36854775807 ms. 2020-02-26 14:33:26,019 INFO org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager.Task - Source: Custom Source -> Sink: Unnamed (1/1) (a77e457941f09cd0ebbd7b982edc0f02) switched from RUNNING to FAILED. org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaException: Unhandled error in EndTxnResponse: The producer attempted to use a producer id which is not currently assigned to its transactional id. at org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.TransactionManager$EndTxnHandler.handleResponse( at org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.TransactionManager$TxnRequestHandler.onComplete( at org.apache.kafka.clients.ClientResponse.onComplete( at org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient.completeResponses( at org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient.poll( at at at
For now, the workaround is to call producer.ignoreFailuresAfterTransactionTimeout(). This is a bit risky, as it may hide real transaction timeout errors.
After discussed with becket_qin, pnowojski and aljoscha, a possible way is to let JobManager, after successfully notifies all operators the completion of a snapshot (via notifyCheckpoingComplete), record the success, e.g., write the successful transactional IDs somewhere in the snapshot. Then those transactions need not recommit upon recovery.
Issue Links
- relates to
FLINK-30068 Allow users to configure what to do with errors while committing transactions during recovery in KafkaSink
- Open
FLINK-30070 Create savepoints without side effects
- Open