Status: Closed
Resolution: Duplicate
After each job finishes, the new BLOCKING_PERSISTENT result partitions are generated, and locations of these result partitions should be report back to client via JobExecutionResult, they will be later used for Table cache() and invalidateCache()
- The client uses ExecutionEnvironment to submit a batch job and wait for the JobResult from JM
- When a job finishes, BLOCKING_PERSISTENT ResultPartition locations will be collected from each ExecutionVertex in ExecutionGraph
- On JM side, the BLOCKING_PERSISTENT ResultPartition locations flow in this path (ExecutionGraph -> ArchivedExecutionGraph -> JobResult)
- On client side, A JobExecutionResult will be created with the returned JobResult
- The ExecutionEnvironment sees the JobExecutionResult containing the locations, and stores them in itself
Failure Handling
- If any error occurs during collecting locations of BLOCKING_PERSISTENT ResultPartition,
we do not terminate the process but leave incomplete locations of some IntermediateDataSet, we keep record of these IntermediateDataSetIDs and report back to client - So the Client can use these informations and decide what to do, generally
the data can be read if locations are complete, or a delete request will be proposed(in later PRs) if the locations are incomplete
Brief change log
- Add a new class ResultPartitionDescriptor, which stores location of a BLOCKING_PERSISTENT ResultPartition, currently we only support ResultPartition in TaskManager.
- Add a new class BlockingPersistentResultPartitionMeta, which contains all mappings from IntermediateDataSetID to its BLOCKING_PERSISTENT ResultPartition locations
- Add a new method getBlockingPersistentResultPartitionMeta() in AccessExecutionGraph, which returns a BlockingPersistentResultPartitionMeta
- Add an instance of BlockingPersistentResultPartitionMeta in JobExecutionResult, JobResult, ArchivedExecutionGraph and ExecutionEnvironment
- When a job finishes, the locations will flow in this path: ExecutionGraph -> ArchivedExecutionGraph -> JobResult -> JobExecutionResult -> ExecutionEnvironment
Issue Links
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