Uploaded image for project: 'Apache Flex'
  1. Apache Flex
  2. FLEX-34729

IP issues in TLF repo



    • Task
    • Status: Resolved
    • Critical
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Apache Flex 4.14.0
    • Apache Flex 4.14.1
    • TLF
    • None


      The following IP issues exist in the TLF repo and need to be looked at further.

      -./sdk/samples/actionscript/Logo.jpg (Adobe registered logo)- [Removed]
      -./sdk/samples/flex/Logo.jpg (Adobe registered logo)- [Removed]
      -./test/testFiles/assets/ARIAL_FONT.swf (Font we don't have permission to use)- [Removed]
      -./test/testFiles/assets/FremontBridge.jpg (Photograph of unknown provenance) (appears to be an amateur photo taken by the developer who wrote the test. I don't see a problem here. [Harbs])- [Replaced]
      ./test/testFiles/assets/FremontBridge.swf (as above)
      -./test/testFiles/assets/carrot.png (Image of unknown provenance)-[Changed]
      -./test/testFiles/assets/gandhi.jpg (likely public domain image no attribution)-[Changed]
      -./test/testFiles/assets/gremlin.jpg (Photograph of unknown provenance)- [Changed]
      -./test/testFiles/assets/image1.jpg (as above)- [Removed]
      -./test/testFiles/assets/leaves.jpg (as above)- [Changed]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/plainText/asknot.txt (public domain no attribution)
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/AliceID.xml (copyright expired/public domain, missing license no attribution) [1]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/HORLTRAUTO.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [2]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/HORLTRHARD.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [2]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/HORRTLAUTO.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [2]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/HORRTLHARD.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [2]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/HtmlTest.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [2]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/JapaneseSampleMac.xml (copyright Adobe, incorrectly apache licensed) [3]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/JapaneseSampleWin.xml l (copyright Adobe, incorrectly apache licensed) [3]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/ParaAlignLTR.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [2]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/ParaAlignRTL.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [2]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/ParaAlignVertical.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [2]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/RTLTabs.xml (copyright UN, incorrect apache licensed) [4]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/VA-Justify.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [2]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/VORLTRAUTO.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [2]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/VORLTRHARD.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [2]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/VORRTLAUTO.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [2]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/VORRTLHARD.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [2]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/VSAUTO.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [2]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/alice.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [1]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/aliceExcerpt.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [1]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/alice_with_links.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [1]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/asknot-discretionaryhyphens.xml (public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [5]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/asknot.xml /public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [5]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/asknot_discretionaryhyphens.xml (public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [5]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/barnsley.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [6]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/barnsley_linkified.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [6]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/ethanBrandHyphen.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [2]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/font-embedding.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [2]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/font_embedding.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [2]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/graphics_example.xml (text of unknown provenance)
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/sampleArabic.xml (copyright UN, incorrect apache licensed) [4]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/severalPages.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [2]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/simple.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [2]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/simpleStyle.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [2]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/simple_colored.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [2]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/simple_with_links.xml (copyright expired/public domain, incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [2]
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/tableExample.xml (Text from article on climate change in the New York Times?)
      ./test/testFiles/markup/tlf/tanach.xml (Text from Bible in Hebrew, may or may not be copyright or public domain. Given it's in electronic form there's a chance it may be this [7] which is public domain. Incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution) [Removed]
      ./testApps/src/gandhi.mxml (content likely from wikipedia. Incorrectly apache licensed and no attribution)
      ./testApps/src/school.mxml (copyright UN, incorrect apache licensed) [4]
      ./testApps/src/schoolV.mxml (copyright UN, incorrect apache licensed) [4]

      There are likely to be further issues in:
      ./asTestApps/src (files names Alice)
      ./automation_tests/src/UnitTest/PerformanceTests (file names contain Alice)




            Unassigned Unassigned
            jmclean Justin Mclean
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue

