Status: Closed
Resolution: Later
Adobe Flex SDK 3.5 (Release)
Affected OS(s): Windows
Affected OS(s): Windows 7
Language Found: English
Bug for the tree:
Steps to reproduce:
1. Launch attached application treeBug.mxml
2. Expand node 'Inbox'
3. Select item 'Personal'
4. Click button 'Apply filter'
Item 'Personal' disappears but tree.selectedItem still keeps it although it is not in the tree.
5. Click button 'Remove filter'
Item 'Personal' appears as selected but shouldn't because it is "new" item for the Tree.
Bug for the list:
Steps to reproduce:
1. Launch attached application listBug.mxml
2. Select item 'Personal'
3. Click button 'Apply filter'
Item 'Personal' disappears. tree.selectedItem is null but binding is not triggered and it seems that it still keeps item although it is not in the tree.
4. Click button 'Remove filter'
Item 'Personal' appears as unselected, tree.selectedItem is still null and binding is still not triggered.
List should dispatch 'change' or 'valueCommit' event after list is updated with filtered dataProvider.
Tree should cleanup selectedItem if it is not in the dataProvider after filtering and also dispatch appropriate event.